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Allow Kashmiri natives to come back
by AHV on Jan 08, 2006 05:42 AM  Permalink 

Let him give instructions to his terrorist friends who are helping him to survive in Pakistan as its leader to allow all the Kashmiri Pandits and their families to return, settle down and lead a safe and peaceful life in their birth places in Kashmir for at least one year. Then his proposals can be taken into consideration.

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by ss on Jan 07, 2006 10:34 PM  Permalink 

It's a total waste to give your precious time to reading anything said by Musharraf.
He took over pakistan by a coup-let's not forget that.
I suppose his next initiative would be to have the pak parliament take care of India as he would like to see good governance in our country.Poor guy so really caring-why the hell doesn't he care about all the hindus who were in pak during partition??
i suppoe there are none left b'cos of his governance.Is kashmir the only issue that a ruler has to bother about in pak?

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