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by Sandesh on Jan 07, 2006 11:32 AM  Permalink 

The Hindu community is divided among themselves. Because of various streams and cultures, the Hindus can not find themselves proud to be united. Hindus have lost their strength to such an extent that in their own country, all politicians feel the need to be get praised by Muslims and Christians.
Hindus are on the verge of losing their identity and speedily running toward the slavery of other religions who have ONE GOD, ONE CULTURE and PROUD FOR RELIGION. The other religions have aquired strenghts however Hindus have lost the strenght.

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article of Rajicv Srinivasan - ignore genocide, we arde secular
by nvk prasad on Jan 07, 2006 11:27 AM  Permalink 

Dear Mr Rajiv, 7-1-2006


Gone through the article. Perhaps it is emerging all around due to the english media or psuedo secularism that anything opposing or criticising Hindu/Hindutva/ism is secular. All others howsoever fundamenal are they, are secular. Any rational

voice about Hindu is communal. Some realistic, practical and most rational way has to be evolved to outweigh this treatment of media on Hindutva. What do you say?


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Why indian English Media Silent?
by PV Krishna on Jan 07, 2006 11:25 AM  Permalink 

I fully share your views and hang my head in shame for the happenings all around us and the media's selective coverage / non-coverage of terrorist / criminal events.

PV Krishna, 7 January 06

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Selective Secularism
by Sharad Korde, Thane on Jan 07, 2006 11:19 AM  Permalink 

I fully agree with the conclusions drawn by Rajeev Srinivasan about selective secularism of English Press in India pointed out in the article.

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Ignore Genocide, we are secular
by Sanjay Malhotra on Jan 07, 2006 11:09 AM  Permalink 

Excellent article Rajeev,

Ur views are the same as mine. Our Media is just after money and biased towards Nuslims & Christians

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by Madhu Shree Kabra on Jan 07, 2006 11:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

You are right, see even in case of Baba Ramdev english media was ready with arms to hit baba but first time they were forced to stay back in recent history.

NDTV is leading this bunch whi always present hurriat conference as a bunch of kind people but never bothers about kashmiri hindus.

Nothing to say much on this because most of these secular are hindus only. Communities with Jaychand's can not defeat gori's.

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