Its typical of Mr Srinivasan to not reserach properly and write with a communal agenda. On careful inspection readers will find that his argument that killing of hindus are not reported by english media holds no truth.
Infact ToI carried an article in brief on March 22 itself and a longer article on March 23rd 2005 reporting this incident. What say you Mr Srinivasan ?
March 22, 2005 Times of India
Rockets hit Pak temple
Quetta: Seventeen Hindus were killed when their temple was hit by rockets during fighting between renegade tribesmen and security force in a restive tribal town in southwestern Pakistan last week, a government official said on Monday. The fighting in the town of Dera Bugti erupted on Thursday after the tribesmen attacked a convoy of pickup trucks carrying paramilitary troops along a mountain road.
March 23, 2005 ToI:
Major crisis may be brewing in Pakistan province, says army
Sui: Even as a parliamentary delegation headed to a remote town in Pakistanâs southwest province of Baluchistan on Tuesday in an attempt to end a siege by hundreds of armed tribesmen, a local commander warned that a âmajor crisisââ could be brewing there.
ur right. but it is we the readers who r to be blamed. we pay for what they print. we r not sending our displeasure at the press as the consumers or providers of finances. we hindus r yet to realise our money power which plays the world politics etc. tragedy is that others have realised that even pakistan knows it. for that our country also is not using its purchasing power.
Where is the ever crusading Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife? They ignore this because then they will be in the line of fire of the jehadis. Such perverse people start channels like CNN-IBN.The less said the better. They cant forget Gujrat and keep raking it up even when muslims in that state are backing Narendra Modi because he has opened avenues for their development.
Shame on Indian English Media....Shame on all our leaders, they dont care about people ...its all about votes for them.... Its not only abt pakistan's terrorism and killing of innocent people in J&K, Its also about our own goverment not doing a bit to protect our own citizens.
Every small detail about minorities' problems is given.I am not against this as this is necessary. But if this comes at the price of ignoring another, equally or possibly more important, community, then i think the media needs to do a serious revamp.
Negligence of Kashmiri hindus, even as they are systematically eliminated or being displaced, epitomises the indifferance of media towards the majority community.
You have painted correct picture of secularism practiced in India. I read TOI and HT daily but none of these news papers published reports from baluchistan where genocide is being committed. Where are our secularists.
did any so called secular politician shed crocodile tears for 70000 kashmiri pandits who were forced to leave the valley. this is probably the first and will be the last instance when citizens of a country were called refugees in their own country.
speaking anything pro hindu is communal and the rest is secular. kuldip nayyar is still so fond of pakistan, why the hell he does not go their and start a campaign for human rights? these educated asses have destroyed the country.