A good article from Rajeev Srinivasan. I have the same questions in my mind. Why is it that no one seems to care about a hindu's life? the Indian English Media shoud be ashamed about their selective journalism. How many english media papers high light the news when the minorty hindus are "Genocided" in Kashmir? How many papers publish articles or news about how percentage of hindus has been drastically reduced in the Bangladeshi population? How many care to write about how illegal migration of bangladeshi muslims to India in the border states of north east and west bengal has radically altered the demography of the region and poses a serious strategic and security challenge to the peace, security, stability, and integrity of the nation? Is any one listening? any one?????????????
I have felt several times when I read articles on bbc.com or cnn.com (and some other sites) that things happening in India are presented in a negative sense and things happening elsewhere (Pakistan for example) are presented in a positive sense. May be I feel this way because; I am an Indian and am sentimental about such things. For example I felt that the rescue work for the J&K earthquake victims in Pakistan was given positive coverage and that in India was given negative coverage (at least in the initial period, for sure). After that I think they had nothing to write negative about the rescue work because rescue work was much better and faster on our side of the border. Of course we cannot over look the fact that the damage was much larger on the other side of the border. In the general sense I think the author is rightly concerned about the way the English media in India presents news about India and rest of the world. I also think there is a chance that the authors views like my views are partial and sentimental. I guess a non-partial third party would be able to pass better judgment or comments on this issue.