Yes I agree. The 1984 genocide of Sikhs and rape of their ladies was not reported by the press. It took them a long time to say that few Sikhs had been killed by the mob.
Oh plz!I am tired of indians whinning about pakistan,I have not heard in any media about poor children being killed,If It has happened its tragic and we condemn it but its about time india starts cleaning its own backyard and stop your hateful obsession about Pakistan or anything that goes wrong there. Maybe Pakistanis will show more empathy if the largest democracy in the world,(who are you kidding??look at your track record of human rights violations)stops genocide of muslims,sikhs,the untouchable shudras,and those widows who have to wear white all their life and cant wear makeup!!
Liberate the weak,the minorities and quit the racism towards your own people.
You have done a great service to the security of India through the publication of this article.With the mainstream parties(BJP,CONGRESS AND LEFT) all toing The pakistan line each one for their own reason shamelessly it requires some one like you to tell the truth to the world.
Please publish more articles on The Balochistan inferno.We understand that there is tremendous discontent currently in both Sind and Balochistan against the Punjabi(Pak) army similar to 1971 and it is only a matter of time before things fall in place.Pl get NDTV and Bharkha dutt involved in this so that the pictures on TV screen could influence the dormant public opinion .With the current government turning a bind eye only built up public pressure could make the difference.
I am surprised , I am more then happy to have your article on Rediff. There are brave people like you who have courage to write such article in India against all the odds of Ruling Congress / Communist and like minded - ( brain washed in convent school)- always favouring Christans / Muslims but hating Hindus.
Congratulations to Rediff for having Great people.