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by Sabarish Sasidharan on Jan 06, 2006 08:56 AM  Permalink 

Wow... This is good to hear... Hats off to our courts

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Reservation in AMU
by Swarup Som on Jan 06, 2006 07:46 AM  Permalink 

Another tight slap on the face of the government who doesn't mind stretching to any extent to appease the minorities. Thats hardly out of concern for the minorities and predominantly and effort to buy votes. The greatest gift that the British ever gave to our politicians is the "Divide and Rule" policy which our politicians have now turned into an art, with clinical finesse. I have my doubts as to how far the Courts ill succeed in curbing the evil designs of our Politicians. They may soon find a roundabout way to carry out their lowly tricking games. Come to think about it folks - A state run university thriving on taxes paid by you and me, but will afford reservation to a particular community.

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Shameless act
by Vijayarghavan S on Jan 05, 2006 06:08 PM  Permalink 

This right from the beginning has been termed communal. Appeasement of minority is alo communalism/casteism. With such perverted thoughts, the Congress of today cannot with any modcun of legitamacy and hoesty proclaim to be secular. Arjun Singh should NOT be re-elected for Rajya Sabha MP post next time. Blatant misuse of power against the very constitution is no different in spirit than the state organised riots.

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