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Vardhrajan's review of Nuclear Deal with US President...
by Dharmendra Goel on Mar 09, 2006 08:01 AM  Permalink 

Panchkula Thursday, the 9th March 2006.
I am glad I read left leaning secularist Dy. Editor of liberal (Pseudo-Secularist)Hindu of Chennai,the sanctum of post -colonised India's civil-society,this morning.
His asseverations are pieces in the right places,
The truly clever remark about Manmohan'use of opposition qualms about his inked deal with US President takes the cake,in running errands for
hegemonic super-power and holding on to the seat of authority , by suborning India's science -community
into giving up its initiative in radical nuclear
break -throughs without US halters!This is how the wonted Indian chatterati debauch themselves into irrelevance , while appearing smart penpushers...D.Goel

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Indo-US neuclear deal
by DR S Banerjee on Mar 07, 2006 04:32 PM  Permalink 

Mr Vardarajan,
Accepting your credential to be best brain to under-
stand Indias strategic interest more than the person
delegated for the chair and the scientists who did
spent nights on midnight candle, what should have been
best bargain to clinch the deal to safegaurd Indias
energy requirement to grow faster in economic term.You
have not signed NTP and have neuclear arsenal and would continue to built it as needed by situation to
play strategic role but still want to have access to
free civil neuclear source.Is it not have a cake and
eat it.In actual term India got the deal on that term
only.They are having the cake and can eat it as and when they desire to do so.If you are not one of the
communist combrade who will never want India grow at a
greater pace than China, you will find this deal as a
corridoor for future enhancement of India both in the
economic and strategic field sooner than later.It serve no purpose to oppose witout any clinical ground.

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This guy is a irrelevant leftie
by Anil on Feb 27, 2006 09:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


Why should a respected portal publish the rantings of a worthless leftie like this guy Vardarajan. cant you get better fellows then this specimen.


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RE:This guy is a irrelevant leftie
by Indian Lover on Mar 09, 2006 10:06 AM  Permalink
Mr Anil, You were surprised to see a leftist in this portal getting invited? Me too. Its surprising to see a leftist being invited by a right leaning conservative portal.

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