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Identify those who bungled DPC.
by chanakya on Feb 27, 2006 05:20 PM  Permalink 

And fine THEM heavily.

Why are they enjoying excessive powers and excessive immunities ?

Are they angels ?

Have they descended from the heavens with some kind of immunity ?

Why are they being allowed to go scot free with their sneers and smiles of mockery at the ordinary people ?

Time has come to single them out, try them within 24 hours max and hang them from the nearest power pole.

Dabhols will then come to a halt spontaneously.

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Power Situation in Mumbai
by Ashish on Feb 27, 2006 06:56 AM  Permalink 

The buzzline -Mumbai needs to cut down on the power usage.
I believe Mumbai is using up too much of electricity to light up its hoardings & shopping malls. When it comes to wasting power, Offices-both Government & Private are second to none. It is they who should bear the brunt of the load shedding in Mumbai-if there is any & which is highly unlikely- and not people living in residential areas.
The officials in charge of all power companies should visit big MNCs, governmental offices etc. & I am sure they will find out why Mumbai is facing a power shortage.
Anyway, whenever load shedding will start, I can bet a 100% - & even a 1000% if it exists- that the hardest hit will be the residential areas.
Please for Mumbai's sake, start using non conventional sources of power e.g. Solar, Wind, Tidal etc. Using these will not only save Mumbai & India from a grave power crisis but also (hopefully) reduce pollution

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A very Indian solution
by Akhilesh on Feb 27, 2006 01:08 AM  Permalink 

Instead of calling it a "fine", they should have created a stratified system of fares. People who want to use more should pay more ....

Such customers should be valued. More revenue. Not condemned.

300 units per customers is nothing...

Why is the government trying its best to push the standard of living down???? Just because some idiots in the government did not plan properly long ago, the people have to suffer now.

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