The Pak Prez is only making demands on India - so what's really bold about it? Why cant he make POK an internationally & neutrally administered zone for a few years & then see whether the terrorism against India continues at the same level - if he does this I'll say that he takes bold decisions. We should highlight the plight of Kashmiri Hindus who are staying as refugees in India after being driven away from their homes & the VERY PROACTIVE role of Pak in this who have supplied arms & ammunition & also other facilities to terrorists to run their terrorist camps.
Lamb appears to be an Agent of Mush, the Dictator. I do not think one can trust this Autocrat Ruler who hijacked Democracy and threw out an Elected Govt. Whole World knows the Double Game he has been playing for the War on Terror. If he is sincere to restore peace then let him demonstrate the following: 1. Resign from the post of President and Chief of Defence, 2. Conduct Election in Pakistan under the direct supervision of their Supreme Court. who will in turn instal a Civilian Democratic and Secular Govt. 3. Withdraw all Paki Army from POK and hand over the control of the State to an elected Provincial Govt. 4. Dismantle all Training Camps for Terrorists from Paki soil and bring all Govt sponsored Terrorists to normal civilian life. Having demonstrated the above, come for a Discussion on Kashmir.
Ignorant Musharraf, before asking India to demillitarize Kashmir,Pakistan should itself become a democratic country. What does that stupid thinks that Indians are like cows who will accept anything whitout consideration. Please pass this message to Musshy and let him know that an Indian teenager thinks more wisely than Pakistan President. He who fears to run a free election in Pakistan what proposals is he making uhh? First become capable of making 'bold decision' and then approach us. Had your mom taught you this during your childhood, you and Pakistan would have been more happy place.