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N - deal
by Vishwanath Dhokre on Dec 06, 2006 10:52 AM  Permalink 

I sincerely hope and pray that the PM of our counry does not swallow a sugar coated poison pill without diagnosing it, with the help of experts from relevant field - like our AE think tank, and lead the country to another Slave Raj, after the British Raj.I also hope that the PMO advises those concerned about the Nuclear turn that Tony Blair has been intending to do.

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Nuke Trap
by Radhakrishna on Dec 06, 2006 10:16 AM  Permalink 

To begin with "S--T". When the entire intelligesia involved in India Nuclear Field is voicing concern on this god foresaken deal, I do not understand the interest our 'eco' pm has in pushing it through. God save this country - we are becoming the public toilet of all other developed nations.

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