I dont understand why we are not in a position to convince USA, UK about pak involvement. I urge the minister to do something instead of speaking rubbish,atleast do what pak is doing to us.
RE:pak involved in mumbai blasts
by Manoj on Aug 19, 2006 04:18 PM Permalink
Dear Asutosh Why do you want to convince USA and UK about Pak involvement. Ours is an Independent country and we should be able to take independent decision. Why would USA and UK come to our help, if we ourselves are too coward to take any kind of action apart from making noises. We should ask our politicians what use is maintaining one of the largest armed forces and spending billions on defence every year, if it can not save us from our enemies. The funds can be better utilised to uplift the condition of the country which is in shambles.
we all know what u have said decades back, and we do not need any satellites to know that, just common sense, which was missing earlier?
Then what do we wait for, see what Israel did, Do u have any guts to do something like that..... we also know your eyes are on vote bank and u will not dare do that sort of thing.
c'mon, who are u trying to fool......, ACT manthriji, ACT and that too fast or else u may not need to act at all..... they are everywhere and u need satellites to know what u cannot see with your own eyes... Just open your eyes and react if u really believe in saving Bharat. or else, go on saying stupid things and try to garner votes......
Tell us something new. It is known without an iota of doubt and yet our weak kneed politicians will sell our country by talking peace to them/Pak. They ignore the 80 % Hindus and go for appeasing the 11 % muslims - started a new DD Urdu channel today - why after 59 years? We are becoming second class citizens in our own country.
The mumbai blasts was a tragic incident - what do we get from our politicians and babu's?... empty words.
What other reason could there be for the lack of proof than the complete and total incompetance of our intelligence agencies. They didn't know about Kargil and we lost a lot of good jawans. They didn't know about the attack on parliment. They didn't know about the Mumbai blasts.
The truth is that we need to wake up admit that our Intelligence agencies suck! All they are used for is by the rulling party to spy on their political rivals.
It is high time our political leaders showed some courage, take the heads out of their nether regions and ACT!