I am sure the cowardly Sinhalese have got this bomb blasted just in order to discredit the LTTE. Intelligent Indians should be able to make out Sinhalese's perfidy.
Hope the tour will continue and we will get to see good cricket.
The team management needs to provide the best security measures for the indian team. Yestarday I saw in one of the TV news channel someone talking about the security measures provided to the indian players in detail. This really surprised me, as If some one give all the details of security measures provided explaining who is sitting where and who is accompaining whom and who is watching from where in informal dresses etc. This exposes all the security measures taken. Security measures is something which should be strictly confidential and security personel should be doing their duty with vigilence rather then giving interviews boasting of all security details and explaning all the details...
it is not surprising to get news of bomb blast near hotels where players are staying.in india due to mumbai bomb blast mini world cup became uncertainty.atleast players shouldn't worry about their security as host govt will not leave any stone unturned for thir best security they can offer.players are as vulnerable in srilanka as they are in india.so don't bother about security and all and our players should concentrate on their cricket rather.a long ago india won any trophy there and it hurts much once india loses in final.