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Where were his brains then
by sg on Aug 10, 2006 11:30 AM  Permalink 

I think we all seek gods help when we are in trouble. But he should have realized that it is never fashionable to be seen in the company of Dawood and co. What were these guys thinking then being seen in their company. They flaunted it. Now when the noose is tight around Dawood everyone who was around him not denies knowing him nad say were under duress to be be seen. But I think there can be excuse of being caught with a AK 47 Assault rifle, that thing kills people. He should have realized that and not taken the gun. I am not sure if he was a party to the 93 blast but they sure used him for his image and fathers position, but for which he should stand up and take responcibility and spend a jail term of at least 7 years RI. This will be a lesson who ever has ideas. These criminals have no friends. Dawoods act is against the nation and none of these film starts should put themselves before the nation, just because they have a huge fan following. And the fans are also stupid by ignoring that fact. Once the nation is involved then nothing else should matter.

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by Ravi chandran on Aug 10, 2006 11:06 AM  Permalink 

Can't discuss. The painful HDFC ad, never disappears.

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Good man in bad company..
by satya on Aug 10, 2006 09:09 AM  Permalink 

I consider Sanjay to be good man but with bad company and bad habits. I really love his films, but if this man knew about the bombay blasts and did not act, then i consider him a criminal. if there are enough evidence to nail him, the court should do so with out any bias. Every criminal should be punished severely. 200 poor innocent people died, and over that the perpetrators are still at large and pouring crime upon poor Indians. I hope the law is right and treats Sanjay rightly for his actions.

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