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But they have to make it look like a big catch.
by chanakya on Aug 08, 2006 04:03 PM  Permalink 

Khakhi in collusion.

Military mitigating.

Air Force open to criticism.

Good break.

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'Extortionist not a big catch'
by Prasad BabuBaikampadi on Aug 08, 2006 11:55 AM  Permalink 

I think our police is on the right track. good job delhi police.

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Why u say its not big catch
by Vips on Aug 08, 2006 10:37 AM  Permalink 

Are we looking only terrorism as crime now, Running an exortonists business of million dollars is not a big crime?
Are we thinking now that crimes like robbery/murder are not big enough for the media attention?
Does media have bomb blasting/Mass killing/terrorism acts only to the crime lists now which needs to be called as big.
Even if we feel like this then what would you expect from Police/Govt.
I think catching criminals like Fazal Ur Rehman is a big achievement and its a big aplause to the Police.
Just calling this as "Not a big catch" is a foolish mistake of media.

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'Extortionist not a big catch'
by sunil on Aug 08, 2006 10:37 AM  Permalink 

was the delhi police tipped off about his whereabouts by Dawood?
I guess so !


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