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Indian dplomat expelled
by Rajkumar singh on Aug 06, 2006 01:15 PM  Permalink 

Guess india should dissolve the current ministry and allow Military to take control untill india regains its self esteem.Its a matter of sheer ignominy that we do nothing except such childish retaliations.WE have been blasted by Bangladesh from one side and from pakistan on another.Do we really deserve to be called as asian leaders or do we need to rename ourself as asian PUSSYCAT.....guess we were better off in the british rule 55 years back then being humiliated time and again by a neighbour under this democratic rule.

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not good
by Prasanth on Aug 06, 2006 10:50 AM  Permalink 

what india is doing is not a responible thing.it is very cheap to expel a pakistani diplomat just because they have expelled an indian .what they have done is their level of doing things.why should india descend to that level.

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Bring home our people
by Rajiv Shivashankar on Aug 06, 2006 08:15 AM  Permalink 

Kick the whole lot of pakistanis out from here, and bring all our people home safely from there. WHY do we sit quiet when they treat our diplomats so badly? Did they do anything about the Lt. Saurav Kalia issue, when they tortured an Indian platoon, cut their organs off when they were alive and return dismembered bodies to us? More importantly, did we do anything?
Tell the world with proof in public what these fellows are upto. Improve our public speaking to their standards, and boycott our tv channels, like NDTV, for running after these swine.

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good work
by sai on Aug 05, 2006 09:59 PM  Permalink 

tit-for-tat...this is something that should be done not only in these type of bylateral issues but also while dealing terrorism...any way this can be considered as a new beginning...which has got a long way to go

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Throw all the Pakis..not just high commisioner
by jupiterlook on Aug 05, 2006 09:30 PM  Permalink 

Never extend hand of friendship to a country who does not understand the value of friendship and....In next 100 years also, Pakis will never forgot the wars against India and Kashmir...They will continue to look for chance to attack India and to cause trouble to India...

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Why tit for tat?
by Jeya on Aug 05, 2006 08:41 PM  Permalink 

Why is just the tit for tat language given here? Why is there no explanation as to why the two countries are fighting like monkeys! Its too immature on both sides! India should have done solid questioning!

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