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quota protest
by Gina on Apr 29, 2006 06:23 PM  Permalink 

We get to see one sided TV reports and opinions. The protesting upper cast people in cities just go to rural India, villages and districts surrounding big cities. Reports of lower cast students violently prevented from going to schools, food cooked by lower cast chefs rejected for distribution and lower cast women stripped and raped in public by upper caste goons are common. The corrupt police and judiciary system conveniently ignores most of cases. The discrimination based on cast system has been in place may be for last 3000 yrs. Till the concepts of democracy and public accountability came to Indian culture after independence, the backward cast people were powerless and treaded as lesser beings because they did manual labour jobs. The law after independence enabled equality and has attempted to end this mindless and humiliating treatment of backward cast people. The reservation system has not fully succeeded in last 50 years because there is always so much of hidden, subconscious and implicit bias against it. The protesting upper class people must remember that the India historically and demographically belongs to lower class people as much as they do.

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