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Nepal king restores democracy
by labrea on Apr 21, 2006 10:08 PM  Permalink 

The King's mere statement that his autocratic rule has been suspended and that parties are invited to form a govt does not solve the problem, for without a sitting parliamnet, how can the parties choose a PM or Govt, as the existing constitution does not address this issue? Yet, even with an elected democratic govt, Nepal's troubles are far from over, as the Maoists will continue with thier violent drive to brutally install a totalitarian Maoist regime. India and the western democracies must urgently provide massive military aid to the newly elected govt to combat the Maoist rebels, while providing development aid to treat the undelying reason for the insurgency, otherwise no amount of 'democracy' will save Nepal from sliding into chaos and anarchy.

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good move
by naresh chityala on Apr 21, 2006 09:41 PM  Permalink 

its a positive move for the people of nepal and world civilization...
thanks and regards,
naresh chityala

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