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by surya on Sep 22, 2006 03:09 PM  Permalink 

There is a lot of injustice done to telangana..till now..If they implement GO 610..Everthing will come out...Every where they talk of slang abusively and now a days ..some people are saying Hyd is not part of telangana...In future ranga reddy and medak is not part of telanagana.If somebody invests some money in business ...that does not mean that they have developed it..they are getting money thats it.
If any one does not story of telangana...i have documents from 1947...what is the injustice done to it from Nehru tenure...If any one want ..i could send it yo every one.

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Conduct Referendum in AP
by Surya on Apr 19, 2006 01:43 PM  Permalink 

I have not seen such an irresponsible national party as BJP. They should not destroy the unity of the state or country to gain some political mileage. What development these guys are talking in the new states? They are very unstable and unable to attract investments due to violence. I never thought that BJP goes down so low. These small states (new Princely states) will not good for the country. It will create new Rajas only.

Let us put a stop to use these emotional issues by political parties. General/Assemble elections are not reflection of any single cause. EC should conduct a one liner direct referendum in AP. If it passes by the people of Andhra Pradesh then only it should go to parliament.

Are there any organization/person, which can file a PIL or contact EC/President? I am eager to participate in the process.

This is very important issue for the Nation. More coverage and analysis needed by national papers.

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Weasely politics of BJP
by Krishna on Apr 19, 2006 10:52 AM  Permalink 

If people start caving in to the politics of BJP, India will be torn into million states and eventually into countless Pakistans. Well after all for Advaniji the helmsman in BJP, Jinnah is his role model.

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Bring Telangana bill in Parl
by News on Apr 19, 2006 10:41 AM  Permalink 

Advani please mind ur own business and try to have a control on ur party affairs first then u can think of some thing else like Telengana issue. Please leave it to our Andhra Pradesh People which is there own head ache.

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We are telugu people
by Vijay on Apr 19, 2006 06:05 AM  Permalink 

Come on man why do we need another state ? We are all telugu people man ? Why does this guy want to separate us ? This is just an agenda for election.

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