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Ram Temple
by Mohanbir Singh on Apr 08, 2006 06:18 PM  Permalink 

The construction of the Ram Temple at Ayodhya, has become a handy political tool for the BJP.They should realise, that it has become a non-issue in the current political situation. The BJP is the only political party with clout that can effectively counter the Congress, the communists and their allies, who are running the present government BJP along with their trusted allies, the NDA, should sit together and chalk out a political program that effectively counters the present government's policies. Such a move will be appreciated much more than the Rath Yatras. For the Ram Temple at Ayodhya, the BJP should work on a broad national consensus, to succeed.

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Give us a break!
by hema badhwar mehra on Apr 08, 2006 05:37 PM  Permalink 

It's time the BJP woke up to the fact that with them or without them, we claim our Indian - ness...All they are doing is wasting peoples' time, media time and newspaper space by talking rubbish. We have temples...at every corner, we have Masjids at every turn, we have wonderful Gurudwaras, we have enough Churches too and every other form of holy place of worship...I used to be a firm supporter of the BJP, but these gimmicks just leave me cold.

Wake up Mr. Advani, and listen to the voice of reason...there are huge issues that need challenging today...Education being the first, Narmada being another...Use your clout to address Issues concerning the Nation and it's future...not just those that bring you votes...Integrity and true nationalism are still winners...it's a huge pity that you don't see this.

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We don't want temple....we want developement
by sudarshan on Apr 08, 2006 05:36 PM  Permalink 

Hello Mr Advani,
Why are you people making so much noise about building the Ram temple? Do you still think people of India can still be driven by your party agenda? What we need is developement, and sadly enough, what you talk about all the time is the temple issue. Seems like you just want to benefit from a communal divide of the country. Go home and ask yourself when you go to bed, Mr. Advani!

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Loard's temple
by Haridutt on Apr 08, 2006 05:03 PM  Permalink 

I am totally agree with you Raj Naath ji.
You try your best to give good governance in all the states being ruled by BJP and allies.
Then the day will surely come when we will be witnessing the Loard's temple.
Jai Hind!

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Is it so important ?
by Vijay Kumar on Apr 08, 2006 04:59 PM  Permalink 

Dear Sir,
Why cant Mr.Advani Focus fully on issues like poverty,child labour,rural development,unemployment and corruption which are at large in this country ?
Is Ram mandir a solution to the problem in our country ? This is were BJP is really spoiling its name by focusing to much on religion.
With millions people dying for food for even one time in a day ,in what way is the temple gonna help them ?

I would recommend every body to see 'swades movie ' and know what india really lacks.

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Ram Temple: BJP
by Neeraj Kumar on Apr 08, 2006 04:28 PM  Permalink 

When these BJP Guys will understand that basic needs of Indian mass are Food, Water and health, not these Ram Temples.When majority voters are poor, what will they do of Ram Temple? These are just slogans of Sadhus who have nothing to do with poor, sadu's don't go to voting, and they can't give BJP majority votes, BJP sh'd introspect and change it's strategy with real life issues.

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