I look at HIS venture differently.The most mature politician on streets of country communicating to all communities to leave agenda of hate,fall in nationalistic mainstream without looking for appeasement postures or gestures. There is no need for any group or community or any individual to support or protest against because his agenda is to create awareness,build harmony,remove misgivings of anti BJP`s communities. At this point when appeasement has reached its threshhold level,instead of counter with appeasement or hate propaganda, dose of mature feelings,induction of harmony feelings seem consistent with the requirement of the day. Mr.Advani`size has overgrown Organisation and is more a man of masses.Unfortunately BJP and RSS has both been misunderstood, either beacause of their behaviour or public speak or propaganda of Leftists or Congress for their own purposes of survival or political gains. Mr. Advani has solicited heart felt support of common man in India and Pakistan and he deserves to be respected irrespective of if organisation like RSS or BJP support him or not.Wishing him, very success. ashwani arora
My commi friend Mr. Achyut Yagnik has twisted mind, that's why he is compairing a religious yatra with a pure polotical yatra.
And to his conclusion "This yatra will not be successful.". Its all depends on what is the goal. If the goal is to educate people about the apeasment policy of the Govt, it will be definitely successfull. How much? Time will tell.
It's tragic on the part of Rediff that they didn't put the name of the writer in the title, willfully or not, when writting this kind of personal opinion.
RE:Illogical comparison
by Haridutt on Apr 06, 2006 01:24 PM Permalink
yes my friend the issue of this yatra is to educate the public. I think the result will be fruitful. jai hind Haridutt faridabad