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kashmir solution
by k k vaisoha on Sep 22, 2005 03:35 AM  Permalink 

Sardar Mohammed Abdul Qayyum Khan is a hard core Pakistani and has been and is a part of terrorism in Kashmir.President Musharraf is a hard core Jehadi and is carrying on his Jihad against India in all avenues and forums.Pakistan ruler's firm conviction is that violence against India will win them the day. India's soft approach towards Pakistan goes further to convince Pakistani Rulers that violence is indeed giving Pakistan huge dividends like increase in Western financial and military aid to them. The profit to Pakistan for carrying on terrorism is so huge that they would continue indefinitely unless India one day takes a serous view of it and finishes of Pakistan's capacity to make violence like U S is doing against their enemies.

Why is India tolerating Pakistani terrorism is esssentialy a civilisation problem. India has historically been an over tolerant and over peaceful country and this mindset is responsible for encouraging Pakistan to go on carrying on a war against India.

Solution to Kashmir will be found when India decides that it does not want to tolerate terrorism. When India will do it is dificult to guess.


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