I think demand for "crude oil" is the truth behind the US nuclear deal with India.
Crude oil was first retrived in year 1859.
1. World "had" 2 trillions barrels of crude oil out of which 50% is already consumed . 2. World needs 83 million barrels perday as on march 2005 out the remaining 1.25 trillion barrels reserve. 3 USA consumes 20 million barrels per day ie 20% of the every day's production. 4. As per the estimates the worst scenario is oil reserves will last by year 2035. 5. Indian economy is contributing "demand" to the oil.
USA wants India to consume its enery needs from "alternative" sources like nuclear etc.
The issue here is not of proliferation but of technology policy. Proliferation is a risk factor which needs to be taken into account. N-tech is not something static, but continually evolving. In coming years the number of Indian engineers working in this area as well as their contribution shall be significant. The whole world needs to benefit from their work. Already Indian newspapers claim of a better design on sub-50 kiloton fusion. It has made significant breakthrough in FBRs using carbide cycle, potentially cleanest reactor design etc. India can contribute substantially to significantly reduce worlds dependence on oil.
Any policy formulation emerging from a myopic view of morality, to quote Perkovich United States is the only country that can be relied upon to rid the world of evil doers and this mission requires that the United States accept few (if any) limitations on its military power. speaks of the quality of application of mind.