I think that all the parties concerned are buying time just to prolong the issue and keep it alive for their personal reasons known to all. This meeting is just a formality to keep the people under control. Also without the participation of any representative of Hindus either from Kashmir or jammu no permanent solution is possible.
i think that congress has taken the right decision by talking with Huriyat. My friends who have shared their comments about this subject doesnt know anything about kashmir and i am sure most of them have never been to kashmir.They should first read the history and then talk about its relation with india who occupied it on 27th of October 1947.I could nt understand why people share their comments when they dont have real knowledge about the issue. I want to let all people know that kashmir was never an indian state in history. From 1947 to 1953, even after the occupation by Indian forces, kashmir has its own PM and President.kashmir is world over recognised as a disputed country.I request all of the friends to first know about the issue, read the history about it then try to share your comments
The PM should take every opputunity to talk to Huriyat leaders currently visiting New Delhi seriously. That is what are their demands and how far India can accomodate them. It is true that Hurriyat has not fought any election so their mass-base cannot be estimated. But they should also not be considered as pygmies in Kashmir politics. Mirwaiz Omar Farooq is a young leader and has a long political life ahead of him. If his statements after meeting Prez.Musharaff are any indication, then it appears that he wants to take the Kashmir dialogue ahead on his own. Its a positive step and the PM should give him and his associates a due consideration.
As a Indian, I think PM should not talk about Independance of kashmir.PM should think about the sacrifices of all solders,peoples and whole country for Kashmir, but he should talk about POK only get it back by any means that is the only expectation of every Indian or else congress party will loose it's ground and never be able to contest and win election and All such states where minorities in mejority will ask for independance and there will be no country named INDIA will on world map.
There is no questions of any meeting.Kashmir is part of India and will remain.We have already given some part of Kashmir to Pakistan.Now India should concentrate to develope Kashmir along with other cities with high security and this will surely change the mind of atleast kashmiri. Our aim is to keep peace and will keep always but without any negotiation of land which is our own and that is what history says.Please dont waste time in meeting, must provide healthy education, medical assistance and necessary needs which will help to the next generation in the growth.
India should be acreful when dealing with the Hurriyat. I believe ther are stooges of Pak and only say what Pak would like them to stay. The Idea of having 2 groups is better for Paks way to confuse India's march forward. Pak believe that some day some part of Kashmir will eventually fall in their lap and the other independent. India gets nothing which suits them fine. India has done the best it can for one of its menber states, more than nay other state infact. But the so called leaders for the stat do not acknowlwdge this and keep shouting slogens against India. Why do we keep treating them with kid gloves and not take any action when they choose to cross over to Pak when they were told to only go to POK. And all that media attention they got only gave them a medium to spit venom against India.