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Delhi 50 Killed in three blasts
by Nksagar on Oct 29, 2005 10:42 PM  Permalink 

The great panic in the city of delhi on the eve of week of Eid and Diwali festivals when purchasing was in full swing in market most famous in delhi for commoners sarojni nagar and pahargunj.The pubilicity which the terrorist wanted to create panic has been successful.
The people of Delhi showed resilence and unity in their relief work as people from all strata came forward to help the victims.Great deveil act enacted by the inimical to the world of humane life.

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by vts on Oct 29, 2005 10:25 PM  Permalink 

The serial blasts in Delhi post a serious challenge to our Intelligence department. The blasts have been clearly carried out by Pakistan based terrosists. our hand of freindship to our neighbour is always treated as our weakness.

Time has come to deal with this anti-social elements with a iron fist. Lets not make ourselves fools by lending our hand of freindship to our dirty neighbours time to time

Time has come to learn our mistake of trusting our neighbour and make the Pakistan Govt. know that the kind of terrosist acts will not be tolerated at any cost.

Jai HInd.

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For the sake of peace in South East Asia
by Lim on Oct 29, 2005 09:54 PM  Permalink 

This is high time that we did something. We all know who is behind all these issues. I mean its not only India who is suffering from this blood sucking rascals. World over all countries has accepted that its be feeding ground of terrorism. Lets do something about this together. At the most its just one or two atom bomb(s). Lets finish off these probelm once and for ever.

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growing terrorism
by prashu on Oct 29, 2005 09:49 PM  Permalink 

i feel pity for those those killed and injured by the blats in delhi. FOR this our government only responsible ,even small country like isreal take firm action for such blasts by killing the leaders of the militants, while in india succecive governments failed to do so,see those leaders like mr. hafeez cheif of lashker e taiba ,HM CHEIF SALAUDIN,DAWWOD IBRAHIM ,living lavishly by sending death merchants across the border.bosting of becoming a super power is not enough action is needed on the ground.

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Terrorism is not the way
by arman on Oct 29, 2005 09:44 PM  Permalink 

It pains me a lot just like all my other country men, how appalling this act of terrorism is. This is a act against all mankind. These killings help no one, rather it creates more problmes for the whole society.
I condemn this horrible crime and let's unite against the cruel plans against our great country and it's people regardless of the religion, caste, language etc.

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