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by jatin on Oct 30, 2005 01:09 AM  Permalink 

this act of violence has shown the world that how mean the mankind could be... killing brothers in arms... pityfull.. whatever religion or caste we belong we must remember that we have been sent in this world to love each other.... if we start killing US .. im going to pray( god lift us up where we belong)who ever has done this act of sin is not a man of god, he is EVIL and evil will be demolished ........WAIT

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blasts in delhi
by Balvinder Bhanwra on Oct 30, 2005 12:40 AM  Permalink 

oooh no
once again these sick people have succeded in doing their best on the eve of deewali.

govt. ned to be realy tough on them not just forget after few days and just routione enquiries or arrests are done . culprits are rarely punished .

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Delhi Bomb Blast
by raxitscorpion on Oct 29, 2005 11:42 PM  Permalink 

First of all I would like to tell u that they were no shopping going on for EID. The shopping was merely for Diwali and traget were those people who were about to celebrate it, not those, who were gonna celbrate Eid. In the past we have already gone thru such incidents on Diwali festival. We have been geting such Evidence aginst the humanity from our Neighbour country. Even after providing them relief in Catastrophe and dissasters. What is the secutrity of india and Intelligence bodies doin'??

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