The Pakistan Government is responsible for these blasts and murder of innocent peoples. Let us snap all ties with Pak till they clear all terrorist camps from their land. or they should change their name to Napakistan.
These are very tragic.The only provocation appears to be the imminent change of rule in J&K. The culprits should be traced against this canvas.Government & Police have their limitations.People should exercise greater vigilence in their neighbourhood eternally.That is the only way to arrest these incidents. krishnamoorthi.The entire nation is grieved.
Its really disgusting that our Leaders are not atall serious about the people who are just walking inside our country without any check . All these things that are happening and will happen in future , are only because of this. It should be stopped or otherwise our country will be distroyed. Please , take this matter seriously. Stop Illigal immigration from Bangladesh-front. People should take this matter seriously now.
So, thats what India got in return after helping pakistan in quake relief process. The opening of LoC simply provides easy access to millitants in India. Samjhauta Express, opening of LoC, border bus service etc. are some of the steps Indian Govt. had initiated to help people on two sides but pakistan always cheated us. All of these proved to be harmful for India. Why Govt. is not learning from such accidents. They are repeating mistakes again & again and if they keep on doing this, there will be another 9/11 and this time it will be for India. Delhi Blasts is an example India should not forget.
It is interesting that every time there is such a heinous act in any part of the world, the first question that crosses most people's mind is "Could this be islamic fundamentalists again?". This does not come as a surprise. If one looks back at the most dreaded terrorist attacks in the past few years, over 90% of them have been committed in the name of Islam. Why is it that other groups, be they of religious or political ideology, do not engage in such activities? It is time that muslims all over the world should condemn these acts and help prevent them in any way they can and with all sincerity. It is important to alleviate the "religious angst" often associated with islam. Otherwise this religion will be further alienated and our children and grand-children will be born into a world of mayhem driven by the islamic world.
So tactfully planned too, at that. Evening times at shopping hubs, at the Diwali & Eid threshold! So very sad.
A British couple who offered their amateur video footage to NDTV 24x7 were so vigilant, so pro-active: he told NDTV he asked his girlfriend NOT to panic and movie anywhere AWAY from the area where the blast occurred (he was at Paharganj - which is one of the two gates to the New Delhi Railway Station). Here is why:
He said he has seen how (in the case of London Blasts), terrorists plan their mode of attack chronologically, where people - out of fear and panic - start going haywire and look to rush for ANY (damn) destination OTHER THAN the one they are currently at (where the blast has occurred). That he pointed out , is a mistake on their part - cuz "multiple-blasts", if & when they take place, occur with a specified timeline, thus making panicking people more vulnerable to be victimized to the next blast that could potentially occur (possibly in the area they are heading toward). It is best to "stay where you are" once the blast has already occurred because whatever damage had to be done is now already done and over with (at that particular area). So don't let your fear