bomb blasts have become a common things in our metros.. but although the citizens can make graeat help in tracing the suspicious persons but its very important that the police dept should make his intelligence wing much wider and accurate.. so that incidents like this can be averted.... the shop keepers and men working in buses and trains should always keep an eye on person.. who leave some baggages etc... and go...
since police dept is working on its way.. its better we citizens be carefull.. thanx bye
When will terrorists realise it is not Hindu or muslim or christian, but merely the human is dying in the bomb blast. Where ever the blast is, In US or London or in India, only the poor people who are living for their existance is always suffered..lost their loved ones and a lot of children and parents ..and it is irrespetive of any religion..lost is lost .... Hope one day terrorists will also realise this truth...
Central government should stop pleasing the militants and take strong action against the militants taking a cue from Israel. Today the militants have no fear of any Indian body, be it the military, police or any intelligence wing. Atleast for matters of security the government should stop vote politics and consider security of common man on the streets more seriously.
It is highly barbaric and an act of absolute cowardice. Needs to be condemned by the international community in the strongest possible terms as happened in the recent London Bombings. Life is precious and invaluable for everyone. There can't be a difference between the white-skin and black-skin.
This is highly disgusting that once agaain the terrorists struck the capital of the country killing 61 and injuring more than 200 people.I'm a kashmiri muslim residing somewhere in the middle east. when i heard about the deadly attack, i was shocked like anything. i've lived in the valley of terror ,Kashmir for all my 24 years and just last month i moved here. The only thing i wonder about is that can there be an end to the violence. Innocent people are dying,everyday in Kashmir. And Pakistan is taking us for a ride by sponsoring terrorism.
it's a matter of great shame for any human being to even think about those who have carried out such a dastard act of terrorism. It's a crime against whole humanity. The heart bleeds to witness the loss of innocent lives in such a crude manner. Nothing can justify an act of violence or terrorism. No religion, if at all, teaches violence.In reality, no cause can be fulfilled at the cost of sufferings given to others. This is the time and duty of every Muslim to retrospect and single out this class of deviants and come forward to not only condemn any form of violence but boycott people of extremist ideas. I appeal to Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders to rescue already ailing community from such a disaster.
How many more such heinous acts are to happen for the Indian government to wakeup, react and take "ACTION" on the terrorist @$!@&^s ? Are the RAWs, SITs and CBIs still in deep sleep ? Even with all these happennings, do we still think that we are qualified for the UN Security Council ? Unless we wage an organised war against these organised terrorists, these blasts will continue to happen. Do we have guts to initiate such an organised war ?
Mr. Prime Minister (and all other so called leaders of India), it is your minimum duty to answer all the above questions.