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Decline of Bangalore
by Venkatesh on Oct 21, 2005 02:29 PM  Permalink 


The technology capital of India is losing it's shine with muddy politics. No good to state and the country.

Leaders at the centre should take immediate attention to save the image

It's not Janata dal(united). It should be Janata dal( secular)


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Know the facts before you write.
by arun Pai on Oct 21, 2005 02:28 PM  Permalink 

In this article the author mentions Deve Gowda as the boss of Janta Dal(United) whereas in fact he is from the party Janta Dal(Secular). Makes sense, huh?

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by Sudhir on Oct 21, 2005 02:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

How can such a reputed website like rediff.com publish an article without checking mistakes.
H.D.Deve Gowda is president of Janata Dal(Secular), not Janata Dal(United) as written in this article.

Also this year the monsoon is pretty good in Karnataka and people are happy about this. Rural areas in Karnataka is by far better than Bangalore. You can make it out while you are travelling from Bangalore to Mysore. Once you leave Bangalore you will see plush green Mandya district which i think is more leveable than Bangalore.

Its true that Infrastructure in Bangalore sucks.

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by praveen on Oct 23, 2005 10:15 PM  Permalink
It doesnt really matter, does it? Tommorow there will be another one: Janata Dal (D), (D for democratic). Or is it already there? I have lost count of how many CPI(X) are there in the country.
Also, for a post pointing out error, you did mean livable when you wrote leavable, right? Because, the last I looked up dictionary, the two words had two very different meanings.

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by andy on Oct 25, 2005 06:07 PM  Permalink
Well, lush green fields doesnt mean rural areas are livable, isn't it?
By the time its summer this year too we will have power cuts in rural areas. If you are living in bangalore you may not have experienced it other than couple of hours of trouble.
How many rural areas in Karnataka have good irrigation plans, good drinking water supply etc etc... I think you can continue this?

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A new virus called Sri.H.D
by Anil Kumar on Oct 21, 2005 02:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is not only the congress ministers that are getting the lashings from Devegowda, but even the Kings and Queens of IT and BT who have put bangalore on the global map are not being spared.

i hope these people do not heed to the Former PM (so called rytha mitra) who is muddling his muddy hands in State politics and coming in the way of Bangalore's Infrastructure Development.

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RE:A new virus called Sri.H.D
by Prashanth on Oct 27, 2005 02:04 PM  Permalink
Well, Mr. Shenoy must have lost his count, afterall Janatadal has so many suffixes thesedays, thanks largely to our Ex-PM

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by B VENKATESH on Oct 21, 2005 02:22 PM  Permalink 




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Absolute Truth
by Ramya on Oct 21, 2005 02:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The author has come out with the truth of Karnataka's politics in this article. Its very true that the JD(S) and the Congress in Karnataka are ruining bangalore by throwing murk at each other. And i also think more than the parties being involved, its a fight between Mr.S.M.Krishna and Mr.H.D.Deve Gowda. I guess its high time, the so called senior leaders think about the welfare of the state. Not only is Bangalore but also the rural Karnataka is being completely ignored. And the so called Chief Minister Mr.Dharam Singh, is the most incapable CM till now.

I would like to bring to note one thing to the author, that the party in Coalition in Janata Dal (Secular) and not Janata Dal (United).

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RE:Absolute Truth
by Shree on Oct 27, 2005 10:29 PM  Permalink
Ashwini Shetty, you speak correctly.It's very easy to see incomplete flyovers and traffic jams,but administration is something beyond all this. The government looks after the people and no one can blame the govt if it has to look at the needs of 80 lakh people(and still growing) wihtout having absolute authority over every individual amidst all this corruption.

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Shenoy Arise and be Awake
by Ashwini Shetty on Oct 21, 2005 02:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Shenoy's views are shallow and shocking ! I am afraid Shenoy has no clue on what is really happening in Bangalore and i think he is not even making an effort to understand. This is a classic case of arm chair journalism.

Bangalore is not falling nor will it ever fall (despite the efforts of wily politicians and hot headed IT honchos) ..however comments like these by a person like Shenoy is sad and it looks like he need to get up from his arm chair and brush his facts.

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RE:Shenoy Arise and be Awake
by Sriram on Oct 24, 2005 04:30 PM  Permalink
Hi Ashwini,
Are you really living in Banagalore? Don't you happen to see the upmteen number of flyovers which are left half-complete or the potholes u see on every single road. Do you know the hardships undergone by working guys because of the huge traffic jams which happen daily.And after all this you are still absent minded to say that all is well with Bangalore. What a pity??

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RE:Shenoy Arise and be Awake
by pratap singh on Oct 24, 2005 03:44 PM  Permalink
dear ashwini,
its all very nice to praise bangalore while its burning,wipro is looking for other investment avenues in the country,infosy chief resigns,monster traffic jams everyday,its a matter of time that this city will collapse like patna or...,will you still continue to be in a state of bliss or denial?

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RE:Shenoy Arise and be Awake
by madrasa on Oct 25, 2005 03:19 AM  Permalink
I am sure you are not from Bangalore. I dont think you care a damn.

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RE:Shenoy Arise and be Awake
by Vinswap on Oct 22, 2005 12:08 AM  Permalink
Ms. Ashwini,

Are you planning to save Bangalore? I guess you might
have left Bangalore long ago to say that Bangalore is not falling apart. Huh? Don't say things out of mere pseudo patriotism.

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