Now give some practical solution to come out from this trouble. I am here in Bangalore for the past 14 years, and I have not seen a CM like SM Krishna. He has to come back to the politics and has to put all these culprits inside the prison. SM Krishna is a good leader, we all will be happy if he come back to active politics. Rest are all there to make money.
These politicians can make money, but spend atlease 25% to the public, they are eating up 100%.
I feel, Politicians are all avatars of Lord Shiva. They will destroy whatever they see in front of the. The difference is that there is no one to recreate the good and things go from bad to worse. We should esport our politicians to all countries who are our enemies. They will ensure those economies become rubble.
The decline of Bangalore. I mean is it declining, no no it is not. It has already. We have reached a point of no return. Feel very sorry about it, but it is a fact.
I feel Bangalore city should become union terriatory, because it is having more outsider like AP, Tamilnadu, Maharastra etc, as well as we have more MNC's.
We should keep politicians out of Bangalore city, then only Bangalore will improve.
We feel very sad, after hearing Mr. Narayanmurthy's resignation from the post of Chairman of Bangalore International Airport.
If the situation continued, Bangalore will not get any Investments in future.
by Deepak on Oct 21, 2005 06:48 PM Permalink
Oh ya, get the hell out of bangalore then. You have come here begging and now snatching it away from us. Cheap minded fellow indians !!!
by A.H. Venkatachalam on Oct 23, 2005 02:52 PM Permalink
Mr. Deepak, Understand remember that Karnataka is a not a nation-state and people who originated from Karnataka are everywhere in this country as Indians. How would you feel if they are abused as 'cheapminded'. I agree with you and everyoneelse that Bangalore is a hell and a large number of people including Bangaloreans are trying to get out of this hell. I am sure Mr. Narayanamurthy also must be seriously considering shifting his office from Bangalore to places like Coimbatore or Pune where he would be welcome. The politicians are insensitive to the complaints.
The situation in Bangalore is pathetic. There was a little bit respite in the traffic issues because of some good work done after the Private company representatives started to work with the Govt.
The Govt. is making the issues look very big. Majority of the issues Bangalore facing is resolvable if Govt. put their thoughts together. At this point of time, its just the fight between Congress and JDS thats happening. The funny thing is the BJP who is a strong opposition is doing nothing about this. Probably they are waiting for the Govt. to come down!!
It is high time that Congress High Command look at the pathetic performance by Dharam Singh. He is good in just pleasing Deve Gowda and nothing else!!
If Bangalore has to be revived, somebody like S.M. Krishna has to lead from the front.
RE:Situation is pathetic
by comment on Oct 25, 2005 03:42 PM Permalink
Hi, Krishna was voted out not by Bangaloreans... but the entire state-Mainly people from the rural areas. He was accused of concentrating developments only to Bangalore. Thats why Devegowda-who himself proclaims he represents the poor- got more seats.
RE:Situation is pathetic
by Alex on Apr 26, 2006 05:49 PM Permalink
To answer your questions -
a) While Congress performed well in Bangalore district and the constituencies in the district, it was the rural areas where Congress lost out on. As you would expect, a whole lot more seats in the legislative assembly come from the Karnataka rural hinterland and not its urban areas. In short, Bangalore does not matter politically in the state.
b) Krishna and Deve Gowda have a legendary rivalry going back more than a decade now and the JDS-Congress government could not have been formed if SMK was nominated as the CM candidate. Deve Gowda needed somebody malleable and ductile to his thinking..and lo! there appeared Dharam Singh.