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The real danger that confronts Bangalore
by Hemanth on Oct 24, 2005 01:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A city of over 6 million... and a small minority (viz. IT/BT bigwigs) trying to call the shots, The 'Neo-Brahminism' being perpetrated by the likes of Narayana Murthy of Infy, is a recipie for widening the wedge btwn people. And then there is this attitude of the immigrants, particularly the notrh indians towards the 'local' types. Bangalore is a bourgeoning economy not solely due to IT/BT. In fact its not even the third highest contributor to the states economy. The garments industry is the largest employer of the city why doesnt anybody talk bout raising their standard of living but raise such a hue and cry about techies stuck in traffic jams? why dont they take public transport??? If the garment girls whose work shifts are much ore stringent, can make do with the public ransport cant the techies do the same? When the majority of the city (96% roughly) is made to serve the interest of the minority, When the immigrant minority is insensitive to the local languag and culture, Disintegration is imminent.Bangalore is not Mr. Dave Gowda but the Narayana Murthy types!

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RE:The real danger that confronts Bangalore
by A.H. Venkatachalam on Oct 26, 2005 04:15 PM  Permalink
Forget Narayanamurthy.Just answer these questions. Why have the Bangalore roads been ROTTING for so many years now? Why are the potholes, pits and humps not repaired? Do they not cause accidents? Who are responsible for these accidents? The senior citizens and disabled persons cannot walk on foothpaths as they are uneven and damaged.Who is responsible for this? What are the Corporators doing with the money given for upkeep and maintenance of roads?Is there no audit? If there is, is there no monitoring agency as to how the work is carried out?Why should citizens pay taxes if as a reward they are compelled to risk their lives,young and old, because of the insensitivity of leaders, Government agencies and Corporators?Why should citizens and those who pay heavy taxes suffer this torture and tension on roads?Are the politicians and leaders like Deve Gowda who talk about welfare of citizens night and day from over roof tops and public platforms not answerable?If IT Czars evince some interest in these matters, why do these people feel jealous of them? Why do these leaders consider a social activity as interference in their affairs?Is Karnataka their monopoly? Are its citizens fools?

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What about Murthy's conduct?
by Vinoo Ramakrishnan on Oct 23, 2005 08:27 PM  Permalink 

Nobody expected a better conduct from Gowda so his lashings are part of his character.But what about Murthy?His behaviour appears childish as well.A former PM criticises him and he is crying that the CM did not come to his rescue! Is he under the illusion that since he has been successful in IT, he should not be questioned in other areas of his work? Everyone has a right to question the contribution of Infosys. Some people may do it in bad taste but then maturity means handling them diligently-not running away seeing the first arrow. Narayanamurthy may be many things bit definitely lacks the mental maturity to handle things when things are NOT in his favour.A revealing episode indeed!

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bangalore or biharlore
by AMITT on Oct 23, 2005 10:10 AM  Permalink 

H D Deve gowda should have been born in Bihar if he wants to do all this rubbish things to bangalore.

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A little correction and fault in the article.
by Santosh on Oct 23, 2005 05:03 AM  Permalink 

Deve gowda is the in Janata Dal(Secular) and not in Janata Dal(United) as the article is repeatedly referring to..The author needs to get the facts a little correct here.

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Devegowda has gone nuts
by suchitra on Oct 22, 2005 10:08 PM  Permalink 

Has this guy gone crazy. Before pointing fingers at professionals i think he better check what was his contribution to the state. I think his gradson or someone must have applied at Infosys and not got a job....taking his grudge this way.

One of the most inefficient leader. Oh sorry...i dont think he is worth even calling a leader. Why is congress keeping quiet. I feel very sad the way Bangalore is crumbling...

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Paradise of accidents
by A.H. Venkatachalam on Oct 22, 2005 08:08 PM  Permalink 

Bangalore has been burning. The three Neros Krishna, Gowda and Singh have been playing with fiddles. Young Bangaloreans are busy with their computers, bottles, snacks and beauties. The middle order are content with Television serials and masala movies and mixes. What more they want? Let the roads with humps and holes rot and let Bangalore go to hell.

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Bangalore going down the abyss
by AD Rangarajan on Oct 22, 2005 07:40 PM  Permalink 

You are right that Bangalore is slowly (no, the pace is alarming) losing its sheen, thanks to the politicians' overindulgence in affairs really unconnected to them.
But, I am sure HD Deve Gowda is not the chief of the Janata Dal (United). It must be Janata Dal (Secular). Correct me if Iam wrong.

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Re: Decline of Bangalore: message board postings
by Ashwin K.Kumaraswamy on Oct 22, 2005 07:29 PM  Permalink 

Dear All,
It was nice to read through all the postings for the article written by TVR.India being a democracy we have got all sorts of views with a majority airing the views about politicisation of development in bangalore and this caused by the our Ex-PM.
Agreeing to the policitis involved, i would like to bring one makjor point to the focus of the readers which in my view is a larger issue " Development of Karnatka is as important to the Infrastructure development in Bangalore". All important cities in the world have had a fine balance the city and its vicinity being developed. Example, in US the capital city of state is not its big city( Florida capital is Jacksonville not Miami), in this perspective i feel the moorings of our Ex-PM or anyother commoner is very relevant.
Bangalore has attracted the investment due to the Human capital it has and to the friendly conditions provided by the successive pervious govts from 1990s. So it is important to emphasise that All round development would automatically lead to the development of Bangalore. Another issue is we cant run aways from the Real Estate mafia which has taken a boom from 1997 onwards due to ITisation, so curb land mafia

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