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Central rule
by Sathyajit on Oct 26, 2005 12:53 PM  Permalink 

Places like Bangalore have a become a brand by themselves internationally. It is time the country as a whole takes responsibility for nurturing such cities. Either such large cities should be placed directly under the central government or be allowed to maintain their own independent governing body.

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Bangalore decline
by Deepankar Biswas on Oct 25, 2005 07:49 PM  Permalink 

Have to write, after witnessing the shame, which is evident post the continous rains. Roads are no longer existing, pot-holes rule. No-one in sight to seek respite from.. houses flooded, traffic choked, road-rage on a all time high.. roads sinking on major business junctions (MG road, St.Marks road)...

The politicians seem to have a dedicated resolve as to not-fix the issue.. and use it as a mind-jogger for people to claim votes...

Pathetic Bangalore... All the big guns should quit this city, and this city should be marked as rural Bangalore.

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Decline of Bangalore by TVR Shenoy
by Raj on Oct 25, 2005 04:39 PM  Permalink 

Mr. Shenoy, Devegowda is the president of Janata Dal (Secular) and not Janata Dal (United)

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by Sumeet on Oct 25, 2005 08:03 AM  Permalink 

Seeing Dewa Goda, sometimes I wonder what would have happened to India if he had been the PM for some more time. The whole country would be where Bihar is today. In a way Bangalore's loss is country's gain - atleast some solace in the pathetic condition where we are today.

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by K.B.Anand on Oct 24, 2005 06:38 PM  Permalink 

The decline of Bangalore is not a sudden phenomena.
It staarted long time ago, what with the most corrupt congress presiding the state for most of post independence days. It was like termite boring the wood from within slowly and surely, till one day the wood crumbles. It is exactly this that has happened in B'lore. Of course, Krishna made some cosmetic show for about 4 years . But, He was the most corrupt C.M. who had made corruption an ART .
So, Bangalore had to crumble one day and it is happening now.
No one can save Bangalore bar the Bangaloreans themselves , by electing fresh faces, neither the Congress nor JD(s).
Till then, my dear Bangaloreans, Bye.

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get ur basics right b4 u write
by yash on Oct 24, 2005 06:22 PM  Permalink 

Mr writer
whoever it may be... please get ur basics rght b4 u start writing o anything.. i know its ur job to write and u get paid for it..Mr HD Deve gowda is a chief of the Janata Dal (secular) and not JDU as written by you. this shows ur slackness..
neways keep making money at somebody's expense. that is ow the whole world is turning to be. little does anyone care about the oppressed people and the under privileged people..

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long live bangalore.....
by anil on Oct 24, 2005 05:58 PM  Permalink 

every single word is true.but deve"goda" is JD(secular) supremo and not, as mentioned JD(united).nevertheless the political equations mentioned are spot on.

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Devegowda , Murthy and Bangalore
by prasad r.j. on Oct 24, 2005 05:40 PM  Permalink 

Devegowda should stop his Niagara of verbal diarrhoea.Should listen to Murthy & follow Murthy verbatim.If his mother is on deathbed, he should have come earlier ; certainly not to enjoy the saddist pleasure of watching how his mother dies in the stinking toilet.If he has come now, it is just like a ragpicker,who comes to see if his mother has left anything for him after her death.
S.M. Krishna is a technocrat, Murthy is also a technocrat, in comparison, Devegowda is a rustic farmer.He should do some 'khetibadi'& play with his grandchildren .

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You are absolutely right, Mr Shenoy
by Narayan on Oct 24, 2005 03:21 PM  Permalink 

With all said and done, we all seem to be driven to the conclusion, in all its manifestations, that Gowda has done more harm to himself, the state and the country by his loose talk.
A newspaper quoted him as blasting the media which showed the former PM in disgrace!
Mr Gowda, there are other former PMs who do not even break their silence and are so dignified by their silence.
Probably Gowda is hurt by the fact that he was beaten by a first time campaigner in his own constituency and may have lost his balance. He wants to still show who the real Boss is!
Will the Secular JD show how many upper caste people have been appointed as the ministers in his cabinet?
Secular is being impartial to castes. Not only promoting lower caste people. Give the lower caste people their due, educate them instead of conniving them into cheap caste politics!

Mr.Shenoy, you are right in all your lines, showing the decline of Bangalore, please correct it, the decline of Karnataka in the hands of greedy, avarice struck, power hungry termites, maligning the art of effective government!

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