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No helicopters without Indian pilots and crew.
by Dr>Rajhans Dave on Oct 18, 2005 06:31 PM  Permalink 

Dear all, it is so silly and obnoxious of Pakistan Military and civil service, that they play conniving politics with the lives of Kashmiris in their bad or good days and think that Indians are stupid! Who gets this idea in India to appease Pakistani army- democracy and make Indians fool! It is high time for Indians to realise that why should we- army and politicians included- be afraid of selfish west and untrustworthy Pakistan army and civil service for the bad remarks regarding dealing with our neighbours or west. Yes, we are ready to help any country but with our terms and self respect.Dr>Rajhans Dave

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No helicopters without pilots and crews.
by rupa prabhu,chicago on Oct 18, 2005 06:32 AM  Permalink 

Welldone India Welldone.Even in this crucial juncture they are not trusting the good old nighbours,the one family before partitioning the property.There is a saying"one who looks another ,having no jaundice ,seen as yellow is a jaundice patient himself since jaundice patient's eye will turn yellow.

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