Will your words hold true, if US attacks Iran and installs a new regime? That is very much a possibility and India would be better off siding with the US. Bush doesnt waste time and money just to get a few concessions from the Iran govt. I think the govt is treading cautiously in the matter and that is a correct approach.
Typical to placing cart before the horse! \'nuclear fuel enrichment plant to be built in Iran\'!! My learned fellow citizen deems it right to push for buulding a Uranium enrichment plant in the heart of Islamic revolution- do you think it will sell? Or is this propaganda that India tried to help Iran but the west is not favoring.... typically, since India\'s record in this area is also suspect, what are the chances that the technology controllers will be willing to permit such a setup in India? Surprisingly better than supporting for it in Russia and China... therefore we must push a proposal to have the facility to be built in India.
In Foreign Affairs,We need to take decisions based on the present scenario.Our Foreign policy should be evolving rather than sticking to the old Philosophy.For emphasising this,We should take the cold war example.During Cold War, India was more freindlier to Russia than the US.After the Cold War era, we are moving closer to the US at a faster pace.
Considering,the help the US is providing on the nuclear front, India has backtracked on the Iranian issue.I guess, we might have informed Iran that we are going to vote against them before hand.
My way of looking at this issue is : Indians are dreaming of great power status on the basis of strength of numbers (population) and little else. As someone commented earlier -- if one looks at the water situation in India -- we are headed for a disaster of stupendous magnitude. The low quality administration (spearheaded by the IAS) is as always clueless. Hey --- the Government cant generate revenue and wastes 75% of what it can !! If the US wants to rule the Earth and control all the Earths oil there are people out there (China and Europe) who have more interests in stopping them. India cannot get into a conflict with the US on this and win. I think -- if Iran really wants to mad mullahs or not --- no power on earth can stop them from getting the atom bomb. If India and Pakistan can -- anyone can. Let's concentrate on the important issues and not on junk. India should abstain from voting on these issues at the UN -- and let the US and Iran settle their own problems.
It is an well considered article and matured in its views. Hope the goverment takes it in ci=onsideration while making its strategy in nuclear filed. It should never forget the past experience with TARAPORE facility. Those who forget the past. be it Napolean or Hitler are condemned to repeat it. The bottom line is the country and its image. The very fact that international norms have been violated and Iran denied its claim to EURODIF smacks of imperialism and religious bigotry. One cannot give a country a bad name and hang it. One cannot deny the people of its legitmate right to energy. The Iraq experience should also not be forgotten. A few countries willy-nilly led a war based on presence of W.M.D., a claim which was false.
What rubbish! India did not lose ground or lose respect to anyone (except in the eyes of commies and losers). We took the right decision the first time and stick with it. Read our lips - NAM is dead, the cold war is over, China is not our friend.
A very nice article indeed. Cant comment on the merit of the solution, but it sounds very concincing and hence a definite option worth considering for india.
It's a very good article on analysis point of view. But still, is Iran worth of consulting countries from Asia, Africa and Europe !?! It is Iran's duty to convience rest of the world that it is making Nukes. Best thing India can do is to bring Iran and EU-3 together to talk and find best fitting solution.