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Helping Pakis across LOC
by guptadharDharam on Oct 13, 2005 01:46 PM  Permalink 

If true, this is the most irresponsible thing to do. The pakistani buthers have occupiied our territory and our army helps them maintain control over it? In such a scenario why do we need the army at all if it is to help pakistani army. And while these "brave armymen" were helping the pakis, their terrorists were entring india t and buthering people. so does it mean that henceforth Indian army will help pakistanis to send terrorists also across india so that they can kill people here and then these brave soldiers can kill some more innocent people and brand them as terrorists and claim medals while helping the paki army to export terror here? The armymen who helped in this misdeed deserved to be court martialled

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by rezan on Oct 13, 2005 12:00 PM  Permalink 

this mighty power of nature has shown how silly,insignificant and absurd are the differences and hate between human beings that have continued since times immemorial.The Indians and Pakistanis would do well to take a lesson at least now before it is too late.

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