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J & K death toll at 1300
by Nksagar on Oct 12, 2005 11:17 AM  Permalink 

The army has done commendable job for their cognates by reaching ninty persent of the quake affected areas in J & Kasmir,it also reliably learnt that Mr Muffty shall retain the post of CM in hour of crises,both news bring solace as let the two work in tandem with people of Kasmir for their welfare.Let the love for each other be infused and feeling of hatred be dimnished.We all want to hee the Heaven as the kasmir used to be called surface again.We in our life time can see this heaven andenjoy the blessing of God who is not divisible by any scripture or saint and is ONE for all of us.He is known by many names.
United the people and little patience shall bring the harmony back in the laps of people and properity in their arms for action.

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Welldone Army And Air Foce of India.
by thomad mundacal skaria on Oct 12, 2005 04:27 AM  Permalink 

India has to change the present policy of Kashmir by resettling Indain Armed foces men with 10 acre land in J& K area. As they a are the only men who is ready to die for the nation, their patriotism is never counted by the politician as they are not aware of the common man and their problems,. The Job is well done by our forces. Therew must be atleast 50 colonies to be built for army men and to those who are ready to be settled form all forces. The beauty of Kashmir will be attracted by..... Tourists of southern stats too. The next train to Kashmir to akanyakumari and then to Ferose boarde are to be introduced with immediet effect.

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United India
by Karan on Oct 12, 2005 01:02 AM  Permalink 

Whole India is with the people of KASHMIR in this time of tragedy.
Please do no give heed to the comments given by some separatist groups.

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