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by Abhiit on Oct 04, 2005 04:54 PM  Permalink 

before a trainleave a station driver shud mak it confirm tt everything is working properly. for tht thr shud be some electonic mechanism which inform any maluctionin of the system to the driver .

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Train accident in India
by gopinathapai,chicago on Oct 04, 2005 02:31 AM  Permalink 

The train accident in india is not a shocking news to the world since the Laluprasad took charge as railway minister in the UPA cabinet.He is more concerned with Bihar power for his wife in his absence and directing the state governor for his intreste.He is also keen in petty things like earthen pots to coffee vending and the like.He has succeded in bargaing with the centre and got a huge chunk of railway allotmentfor his state.in every 3 or 4 months there is a n accident leading to several deaths and injuries.

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by alok on Oct 03, 2005 12:20 PM  Permalink 

In india trains is good for common people. it derails break the confidence of common people. After a good fair the trains derails .Who is responsible

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