Hundreds of people including me working in Afghanistan are willing to know the Indian government\'s views over this incident and further instructions. We would like to know what is going to happen with other people working on the same project. I would also like to know that what Indian government did against the Demand by Talibanis. They clearly claimed that they killed Kutty because no body contacted them (Talibanis) against their demand.
This is barbaric. The killers who did this to that innocent soul should be punished severly. Without second thought we can term them as inhumans and deserve the worst and highest punishement prescribed in the rules of law.
How long our top authority sit and comment cowardly as they are commenting this time, please for god sake if they can not do anything please do not comment anything either do something or sit quite, as they are holding these position for doing something if they cant better to quit, let other take the responsibility to take action against such type activity against innocent people.
There is well known say What good is the eye if you can not see same is applicable for Indian security agencies, what good is these agencies if they can not provide secure life to their citizens. We are spending such a huge amount of money for their training and practicing their skills to fight against terrorist. They are not meant for training or practicing only, flying fighter jet high in the air will do not anything even they are not meant for this, firing bullets in the air will not do anything even they are not meant for this.
I do not know what should be done against this act but at least I know making only comment shouldnt be done by PM. If they will kill our PM what will our government will do, must be done at this time.
It is ironical that since over 2000 years, anybody from the middle east/ Afghanistan or anywhere else, who ever falls short of money/food/women/or resources targets just one country, "INDIA." People with a handful of men attack and plunder India and we for ever praise them, e.g., "Pathans"/"Turks"/ Mughals/British/ etc. Have we no national pride? Our country is going head over heels to help Afghanistan and Pakistan and Bangladesh - who are the harbourers of terrorism and instability in our country. I would like to know what has been done for Manniappan or the family of the hapless passenger whose throat was slit aboard Indian Airlines flight in Kandhar? KKLekhchand
A staff member's life was more important than a road construction. Why did not BR organisation atleast partially pull out and negotiate for the young man's freedom? Rs.10 lakhs to family does not bring back the life. PM had assured that the man would be freed unharmed. Obviouisly no serious diplomatic efforts were taken. All concerned are answerable to God and to the poor family in Kerala. Now, what is Govt of India doing? Just watching the barbarism of Taliban? Obtain Afghan permission and invade Talibans and destroy them.
10 lakhs is pittance for a family who just lost the sole breadwinner. The family should be given at least 75 lakhs. 10 lakhs is the amount of money politicians spend on personal entertainment. They should pay up more. When their own family member is abducted, they break all rules and walls to get their family member released. Why not so when the comman man is abducted. Remember the case of Mufti Mohammed Sayed's daughter being kidnapped and militants were released in return. Why the double standards. Give the family 75 lakhs at least!!
Where are Human Rights Organisations(HROs)? Where are International Human Rights Organisations who cry hoarse over the likes of Abu Salem,Geelani et al? It seems only these "Humans" have the "Rights" to defend themselves against unleashing of barbaric acts on common (hu)man. Do these HROs work only in democracies in developing countries?
I just hope this driver's family does get the 10 lakhs the govt has promised. this shoodn't be one of those times when the govt grant is sanctioned but the poor receiver ends up spending more in the race to get that money due to him. Kutty! May ur soul rest in peace and may God give ur family the strength to go thru all this!
Sairam. May God give strength to his family to bear his lose. This is inhuman activity can not be tolerated and India should take firm action against incidents in future to save the life of innocent peoples,who works far away from their country and family.