Why India shall work for America in Afganisthan and lose the lives of Indians? we are losing enough lives here, why shall we go to Afganisthan and lose our lives? If the policymakers son is also working there, then they will understand the agony of parents of Maniappan kutty, i feel 10 lakhs is meagre amount , but who can compenste his personal deficit in family.
Horrible!The word cruel or brutal is not sfficient to narrate the incident.The butcherers will getimmigration to the Paradise.A sacrifice in the Altar of terrorism.I ndia will be a looser always.
This is really bad! I dont know what message they want to send across by executing people in this manner. What is more horrifying is that they do this in the name of religion!
Please pass on my condolences to the bereaved family. I salute him with all my respects. He deserves the respect of a true indian soldier.
Indian government (ruled by petty politicians) will not save indians. May god (except the one supporting terrorism) bless India and Indians and protect us from terrorism.
Hi there Me and all my friends in UK are terrfied to hear that Maniappan was killed,eventhough we dont know much about him. First our deepest condolences to his family member who would be in a state of shock. Is the Indian government going to do anything,apart from expressing their condolonces.probably not,probably yes.cos they should make sure these sort of barbaric act doesnt happen again. Only when things like this happen to an Indian we all start to realise the gravity of the situation.Anyway I think ,we as Indians should give these animals sorry the taliban,! a sound and solid warning. Anyway whatever is going to happen ,we all Indians are here united ,to stand against these cruel acts. Our deepest condolonces to the family again God be with them. For those who think I am a very emotional person, this is not the voice of a person who knows maniappan or the voice of a fellow keralite.THIS IS THE VOICE OF AN INDIAN.
Most shocking and barbaric! If this is the way these criminals propogate the law of Allah,the world would be forced to review Islam.Let this be known to these coward,senseless idiots.
My heartfelt condolences to the family of Maniappan. India should take up a strong stand on this event . We have always been a soft nation while taking up causes for the ordinary citizen of the country.
My father, a retired colonel was also associated with GREF and the Border Roads Organisation, and I can vouch that it is one of the most hard working and resilient institution in the country. Some of the best roads are built by them which withstand rain and snow for years. Quite contrary to roads built in our metros (example Bangalore!)by corrupt contractors which cannot withstand a single monsoon.
They are not Humans..it's high time that India should change it's policy of being a soft state..and sorry to see that they have not learn't from their Kandhahar experience..Shame..
We all the indian salute Mr Kutty. Our Government must takeup the matter on all international forum to expose Pakistan,supporter & Generator of Taliban.We must realise one simple thing that we can expect friendship with humans.
i hope that all communities are condeming the attack. the taliban has gone too far and india needs to wake up to the fact that one day it can be pakistan and not afghanistan that shall be in the same state. in addition, i hope that mr kutty gets a formal cremation with all honour due to a fallen soldier and his family is met by someone from the BRO and their grief shared. his family shall also welcome any fiscal assistance at and beyond this point of time. thank you