I strongly condemn to this.An open question for the govt. is why didnt it tk any action on this.when we the general public know wat the talibans wud do then obviously the govt wud also hv known the consequences but still there was no attempt made to resque maniappan. Not just the people but the govt. mindset needs to b changed if this is not done then may b d govt. is not capable of ruling - BETTER THEY QUIT THERE POSITION so that this kinda situation doesnt arise again.
In Telugu one saying is there "don't do the the good that is beyond our limit or status" . So, I request our Hope less Indian government which not able to protect its people and their centiments (Krishna temple demolition.... etc) don't represent Indians in international dias "Hope less, shame less government" All Indians please wake up, come out and share u r feelings on Indian government and and Deep condolence to family members (maniappan family)
About talibani or pakistani nothing to say as the whole world knows that they are bloody crimnals but our indian govt is really shameless people. who always caring for themselves only.u can see the example of parliment attack.Suddenly they took the action but about simple citizen of india they r careless.According to me the real killer is indian Govt.
No amount of money or material would replace the damage done to the family. All I would say with a HEAVY heart is: "May his soul rest in absolute peace and the Almighty, whom the beasts in human form that killed Kutty believe too, give all that the bereaved family need to brave this unfortunate and painsome incident.". Requests to the powers that be: We've plenty of things to be done in this nation, including the laying of roads and the repair of so called roads, before we embark on such we-are-good-samaritan acts. We don't have more Kuttys to experiment with either.
Though words know no bound to condemn the barbaric and ghastly murder by coward and inhumane taliban, our government's role is not beyond suspicion ! Why the people at MEA didnot take the issue seriously as they had done for the case of indians' kidnap in IRAQ ? Why they are not mounting political and diplomatic pressure for the safety of Indian citizens working there ? Afghanistan as a needy neighbour must be extended our helping hand, but no way at the cost of Indian lives. The loss of life of a sole bread-earner in a family can never be compensated by cash or kind.And since our benign govt has no power to make up that loss it must understand the value of life and act properly and let its neighbour understand categorically.