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Pervez Muhammed
by Srividya on Nov 07, 2005 11:50 AM  Permalink 

The general who had during the initial phase of his career come across as a liberal politician open to a peace process is becoming exposed as a hypocrite.
As not only his deeds but also his words contradict what he says in various summits to gain goodwill for Pakistan he comes across as a person with no integrity. It is unfortunate that Pakistan must rely on him to lead them into the future!

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Pak:No cut in defence budget
by neeraj on Nov 04, 2005 07:30 PM  Permalink 

We can imagine the amount of care this govt is providing its people.
They want no Cut in defence budget,no cut in public sector developments.All they want is that people from other parts of the world handle the quake hit pakistan .Its a shame Mr President ..Mr Musharaff. The international community is trying to help quake hit victims but ...Mr President ...also make a genuine try from ur side ..Try to be a father of the contry ,rather than being a Manager of the company

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