this is 100 percent true. manmohan ji is a very good person. everybody will admit it. but not a good PM. ask any congress man, who is ur leader. they will definitely name some one else. the person, who is considered as a goddess of sacrifice. but infact everyone knows, whatever happened in the recent pase(jharkhand case, bihar case, etc.etc..) , the decision was taken by 'madam'. and manmohan ji has no clue even.
Modi, How dare you speak in this manner about the highest power in India ? You are lucky to have not been shot in public. I wish you were born in Saudi Arabia. You would have been stoned to death by public on one Friday in one of the stadiums.
The pot should not call the kettle black. What identity does Shri Narendra Modi have" Butcher of Ahmedabad" Shri Manmohan Singh our Prime Minister is a through gentleman and a gentleman does not lack identity- he radiates this .
Criminals will have criminals as followers, Good people will only good people as followers. Modi is a criminal and he has people who have bloodied their hands in the communal crimes as his followers. He has no right talking of the Prime Minister.
as a crook modi can only critisize the govt. when the former ruled PM vajapaee bocomes so illiterate & criminal by supporting modi ,then what would be situation like less educated man like modi. BJP has been ckilling all the good personalities of india by its self greed for power. In its rule it devided the indian citizens on the basis of religion, increased the communal disharmony.
It is better than the identity that you command both in India and abroad. With little identity of the fellow gentlemen he can stand by the side of any leader across the world.
I wish with larger than the life size image of yours you can get into the so called advanced world with the same dignity when you attempt to seek permission to enter their countries.
I am sure you will appreciate that a gentleman like our PM does not have to stoop down to genocide or crusifiy democracy to uphold the hidden agenda of his party and like groups.
Identity of Dr. Manmohan Singh is seen as an honest, sincere, man of integrity, intelligent, clear in his vision i.e. if India has to shine in real terms, it's economy must come at the developed countries'level (and not empty slogans), acceptable to all Indians and internationally. He believes in actions. Such leaders are borne rarelly. India is lucky.