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Sweet F-16/18 - Kanchan\\\'s Article/articulations
by R S Singh on Mar 29, 2005 01:19 PM  Permalink 

Good observations Kanchan . But only observations ( Drishti, Helplessness ).

The history of Indian Armies , whether ancient , middle or modern , has been pathetic ( not patriatic ). One Alexander , one Ghazanawi , a few Taimores , Changezes could undo all our divinitive might as frequently as they could . We proved our partriotism by serving British army , trying to help Germans and Japanese whereever possible .

In spite of our Nukes , Generals , Hawks and mighty Navy we never could get back what Pakistan , Chaina and even Refugees took away from us .

What therefore , is this hue and cry for Sixteen F-16s or Eighteen F-18 . Have these arm traders ( twisters ) not helped Bush during his election ? Should they not get the return now ? Is it not the latest Marketing strategy , the Outsourcing ? Aquire the Arms and Sell it friends at Premium to ......

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I can not agree more!
by Anjan Hegde on Mar 29, 2005 01:16 PM  Permalink 

Well, India/Indians should stop brooding over: the F-16s that the Pakistanis will be getting or more importantly, the F-16s that the Americans are selling to Pakistan. The concerns may not be unfounded, but showing so much sensitivity to USs hypocritical decisions doesnt help. Being as modest as possible, I can only say that Pakistan, with its peanut economy, doesnt stand a chance. The challenge for India in the coming years will be to look directly into those almond eyes of its big neighbour!

Regarding US, the superpower gosh, look at this country! Its soldiers are being sacrificed in a meaningless war, but its politicians and its people, lead by the democratically elected Bush (Cant stop asking myself,How can more than 50 million people be so dumb?), are busy since more than a month, discussing a brain-dead womans future!

US itself is brain-dead. Guys, its time to pull the cords!

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Lets not be a puppet nation
by K.Purushotham Reddy on Mar 29, 2005 01:06 PM  Permalink 

I guess it high time for the indian government, to prove that, it can't compromise the stability in indian subcontinent just for a bunch of F-18s.This would surely lead to sequelea of consequences directly resulting in a very serious arms race in the subcontinent.

It is outrageous and an out and out duplicity stunt of Ms.Condolliza rice who, on her recent visit to india has denied of any plans of bribing pak with F-16s.Well....the whole world does know about the dubious nature of "Uncle Sam".

I strongly oppose indian govt stance if any in favour of accepting america's offer, which otherwise is just a mere act of favourism towards Martin lockheed corp.
India has always showed up its rigour of self consistency in times of plight and I believe our technology is second to none.It should either think of building its own aircrafts or atleast be li'l sensible enough to invest in the aircrafts which are offered by the russians or swedes..... which come for a cheaper price.

May be americans can learn only after pak proves to be one more taliban state in comming future.

"Shame on you America"

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Re: US tells India, drop dead
by Aditya on Mar 29, 2005 01:06 PM  Permalink 

Thats a very good one. Sums up as aggressive and sounds like the facts mentioned have been "utilized" in the best possible manner, to scrutinise the United State's double diplomacy standards. Rock on, Madam.

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by Vijay on Mar 29, 2005 12:58 PM  Permalink 

Simpy Tru. Author has demonstrated the feelings of every indian citizen. Kudos !

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looking beyond our neighbours!
by Aninda Mukharji on Mar 29, 2005 12:55 PM  Permalink 

The US offer to India for their fighter jets has been mishandled by our ministers once again.Firstly we should look beyond our phobia of Pakistan and look towards global role for India beyond its impoverished neighbours.Secondly we should inform US that we have no need of thier generous offer of F16s.We should shop elsewhere.India should build at greater speed the fence and walls around its borders and contain infiltration and illegal entry from our neighbours.We should ignore them and kook towards South east Asia and other developed countries for trade and exchange of poeple.
I was in Bangladesh for 6 months and observed how they treat the minorities ,who virtually have no voice and live in fear perpetually.The women are constantly molested and even during Durga puja the Hindus are not allowed to play drums or loud speakers.Just compare this with the rights of muslims in our country.We are much more tolerent than most countries of the world.

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US tells India
by Raj on Mar 29, 2005 12:53 PM  Permalink 

Remember the childhood story of two fighting cats and the wise monkey? Well, it seems that Indians and Pakistanis did not learn any thing from the story and the US , who, like a wise monkey is benefitting by selling F-16's.

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Deal only serves US economic interests
by B Srinivas Rao on Mar 29, 2005 12:52 PM  Permalink 

The deal only serves the US economic interests and nothing else - it neither serves the interest of India or Pakistan. Instead of giving F16s to pakistan & 'offerring' F18s to India, the same 'geo-political' balance could be acieved by giving nothing to both India & Pak - but that would not help uncle Sam

The most cost-effective response from India would be to
a) Refuse the deal unless the F18s are purchansed through a 100-yr 0.5% loan given by US

b) Do a pokhran - III. Infact India should always test a nuclear bomb when US 'announces' such deals - consistency is important while sending a menacing the right message

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US tells India.....
by Dr. Mathew Panathanath on Mar 29, 2005 12:52 PM  Permalink 

It is very encouraging to know that there are people who llok beyond little gifts uncle sam is making. We should not trust Americans; the farther we keep them the better it is for India. Otherwise we will meet with the same fate as Afghanistan, Irag, Iran, and the like. It is better to remain with a low friendship withthem than get too close to them or have collaboration with them and become their enemies later. If we get too close to them we will lose our dignity adn they will dictate terms to us. This what happened to the Philippines also. With great difficulty they got out of their clutches. But they are trying to back there also. I hope our leaders will not sell our self rspect to the Americans or make us their slaves.

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