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Kanchan Gupta's phenomenal article
by Rahul on Mar 29, 2005 02:05 PM  Permalink 

Kudos Kanchan for such a fantastic assessment of the US's pathetic attempt to skew the "comfortably unstable" strategic situation in South Asia further.

I'd like to add... there is good reason for not buying arms from the US... they tend to get USED in war! We all know that the US Pakistan policy is as shameful an example of diplomatic hypocrisy as can be imagined... but I'm guessing they need India to "cover" their bases with China long-term. So again, a snub would really rub their noses in it.

I agree fully, best not to get into bed with these guys because their is no question of any respect in the morning. We must realize that spawning war worldwide has played into their hands forever, and we don't want to see brand new conflicts of interests with our neighbours with the unsaid arbitrator playing the chief propagator of tension as usual.

We are a proud nation and we don't want to become an example for 2050 message board discussions on US warmongering. Let's leave that to Iraq and Iran - however harsh this may sound that's the price people pay for allowing their governments to prostitute themselves to the US government.

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India needs to show its assertiveness
by kishor jagirdar on Mar 29, 2005 02:04 PM  Permalink 

Rightly said and articulated .Every patriotic INDIAN must be clear on this open beligrant double talk .Why do we have to swallow our national pride and security for the sake of looking GOOD with a nation that looks at the whole world as its backyard.

Its time we assert our policy suiting our own genuine national interest.Reject the US deal outright

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US sale of F-16 aircraft to Pakistan ...
by Sudhir Kr. Verma on Mar 29, 2005 01:55 PM  Permalink 

The US decision to supply the top-of- the-model F-18 aircraft to India, with a license to manufacture in India, civilian nuclear energy and cooperation in the field of space technology could not have been made on the basis of any military calculations, but for strategic reasons.

I think, the US decision "is a positive development" in the long run, and India "should not be carried away" by the Bush administration's decision to arm Pakistan with F-16s.

Military and strategic relations between the two nations saw an upswing after strained relations following India going nuclear in May 1998. The American sanctions against India at best could have had some salutary impact, but India managed to pull out, owing to its inherent economic strength.

Washington had to ease its own sanctions and repair relations, which began with a visit by the then President Bill Clinton in March 2000 followed by lifting of sanctions on purchases of high- tech military hardware. The decision to lift sanctions on high- tech equipment could have been driven more by compulsions from domestic armament industry and to break into a forte which until now was served by India's cold war ally Russia.


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This is a great report. Congrats Rediff!!!
by Paul on Mar 29, 2005 01:52 PM  Permalink 


This is a great report from Rediff. And congratulations rediff.

The observation is correct. US is not a believable alley. They have betrayed whoever believed them. Let it be Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein or Pakistan. India need not to alley with them. We need to develop out strength and develop our own advanced new generation fighters.

About the American-Indian-Israel alliances, now it is clear America's intentions. Now Pakistan should use these fighters against Israel or India. Then they can sell more F16s and F18s and F2006 to either India and/or Israel. And the American economy develop!!! What a cunning plan!!!

Bravo America. But no takers for you. We are sorry.

Dr. Manmohan Singh, America is doing this because Congress was a natural alley of Soviet Union. After the fall of BJP, they cannot insist on their products. That is why they are selling these things to Pakistan. So, let us co-operate in large scale with Russia, France, Sweeden and for that matter, China, but not Britain.

Thank you Bush, But no thanks.

Be bold Dr. Manmohan.

A Citizen of India

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US tells India,Drop dead
by Venugopal on Mar 29, 2005 01:48 PM  Permalink 

Dear Sir
Americans are,as it is said, terrorists in the garb of a priest,A gun in one hand and the Bible in the other. Only states that defy US get acclaimed and ultimately rewarded. India, it is unfortunate, has not realised this. God save the country

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Great try for Peace!
by Harsh Trivedi on Mar 29, 2005 01:40 PM  Permalink 

America always says that they believe in World Peace.
Now can anyone give me one reason why it is heavily selling the military instruments? What they are trying to prove by saying that we will give our fighter planes to India And Pakistan? Should we consider this as a Great Try for Peace?...

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