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US tell India, drop dead
by Reeta Punjabi on Mar 28, 2005 10:21 PM  Permalink 

If Indian politicians and babus had any spine(which has not been too apparent after US made an announcement of F-16s sale to Terrorist State of Pakistan), India without succumbing to US arm-twisting and pressure would test its ICBM 'Surya' missile.

All nations should look after their own self-interest first so India should take necessary steps to see its national security is not compromised in the near future. Testing a missile with a 12,000 kms. range would send a signal to these yankees that India is not a 'soft' nation or a pushover and cannot be taken for granted.

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Execellent Analysis
by mukhtar on Mar 28, 2005 09:56 PM  Permalink 

Thanks Kanchan, for your true and well-documented review of the sales.
Personally i feel we shouldn't be threatened by these purchases. We are well-off defence wise. And moreover we have time to teach lesson to enemy till they actually get equipped with F16. Our scientist and engineer are knowledgable to bulid a nuke-defence system. We need resolve and finance to make one by that time. I think its long over-due.

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a better option i have
by tiger on Mar 28, 2005 09:51 PM  Permalink 

the best option today if you want to get back on US is to gangup with china and release all the foreign reserves into the market. the arabs would follow suit. see the chaos it creates for america, who would have no other option but to fall on its knees and beg for mercy.

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India SHOULD drop dead.
by Jeffery Vernes on Mar 28, 2005 09:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pakistan is merely using its right to self defence, so it can keep its national identity and independance. Under no world or UN law is Pakistan prohibited from buying arms, Pakistan isn't violating any international law. IF India cannot live with it, then yes, it SHOULD drop dead, do the people of Lockheed a favour.

India, with all of its major purchases has no reason to whine and moan about this. The IAF with its commitment to buy 180 Su-30MKI Flankers, a fighter which should really need to belong in South Asia, the Phalcon AWACS system, which gives India total coverage over Pakistan, a Nuclear Attack Corps of 126 Mirage 2000-5s or MiG-29s, certainly not a nation of peace. Whereas Pakistan on the other hand, buying a few dozen F-16s to keep its air force running, a few Erieyes to monitor its borders.

I think Indians around the world should stop beeing childish, and face the world for what it is, you stole our jobs, you came into our nation, fair enough, but you MAY NOT decide our policies. I suggest India drop dead and take it with courage, rather than complain, moan, whine, cry, make a huge fuss, etc.

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RE:India SHOULD drop dead.
by Vaibhav on Apr 13, 2005 07:11 PM  Permalink
1.No Indian stole any job of yours - US lost it because of its low IQ , lack of interest in so-called back office jobs , and charging incompetent prices for the same job.
2.Indians do not want US to change their policies -But then stop being big bro to all and sundry and stop putting trade bans when countries have nuclear tests in their own grounds. Also , if possible , stay inside the states and pls do not visit the Gulf , vietnams , South East Asia for purposes of making them independent , happy , democratic or whatever.
3.Try to sit on a bench with a handicapped man (who you are not sure can hold the leash for long)who has a fierce looking agressive dog and then say the same "he has a right to defend himself!!!" - when you have a neighbor like the one we Indians have , you got to think of not only your actions but also of their actions.
Last - Before calling India childish - imagine what it would be to be THE PRESIDENT of a country and say "'OOPS...was it not Iraq..oh , may be it was Iran then - Lets kill some more , make some more happier , democratic and Independent. "

Enjoy your day.

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Re: Terrorist chums
by Raja on Mar 28, 2005 09:24 PM  Permalink 

It is nice to know that Pakistan got a good friend in washington, what a coincidence. A country do too much lip service about democracy and freedom don't understand what is the spelling of it. America is rouge state which nurtured every dictators in the world. Agustino Pinochet, Marcos, Peter Botha, Babyduck Duvalier, Ariel Sharon, Musharaff and many many more are in the aresenal. The wholesale looting of whole South America, Central America and South East Asis is a well known case. For US interest they can hold hand with any dog. Only their oil interst and economic superiority it matters. India shouldn't budge an inch from its committment to be bold and neutral from the game plan. US is a sinking ship and they can get only Tinpot dictators like Mushraf on Board.

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true but r we listening..
by saby on Mar 28, 2005 08:36 PM  Permalink 

Its the normal assesment of the situation as any indian should feel...for wat they did with modi or wat they r doing with Pak's..US dont care they'll do it watever they feel and will justify it as being rite , so y every other indian Govt. tries to push for US support when they dont careless..huh ..we need to think ..and Govts. need to understand the politics on world scale not just in Bihar or Goa ..

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US tells India, drop dead
by d_sushanth@yahoo.com on Mar 28, 2005 08:26 PM  Permalink 

Nice article to read for pass time! However, its only good for reading if one wants a lesson of morals. In today's world, these words are better said than done. For example, the article encourages not considering the offer of f18s by the US. respectable but not a wise strategic decision. Why? Its always good to have some of the US arsenal in our inventory since their weakness could only be understood by having to study them closely. Besides, f18s are among the world's most reliable aircraft. Having atleast some at the risk of sanctions of course is not that bad as it seems considering the training edge our pilots could have over the enemy once they have a good knowledge of what kind of enemy aircraft they are dealing with. Sure, morally it may not sound right, and our integrity may seem out of place.... but after having a huge diplomatic failure of such proportions, it really makes no difference anymore. We should follow a simple real world motto, all successful western countries follow. "Follow your interests more than your moral instincts".

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F-16 Procurement by India?
by Dr. J.P.Pathak on Mar 28, 2005 08:16 PM  Permalink 

This is a nice opinion piece. I like it and the inherent message it gives. With my experience of observing Indian polity and the mindset for last 30 years by being in India, I can safely say that at no point of time Indian politics has ever accepted any critical commodity from US after 1962 war. This has been Indian position irrespective of the parties at the top. India learns better through the eyes of others who have passed through the agonizing phases of US dependence.
I will not surmise whether future critical purchases should be from Europe or Russia or elsewhere but I would surely suggest for such decision making of acquiring these critical assets based upon the country interest criteria. None of these other states of Europe work in isolation. These states are duly supportive of US at the end if not to start with. Russia is no longer dependable USSR!
This decision will have to be free from emotions. Indian government should introspect whether they really need these kind of weapon carriers or any alternative technology can nullify this acquisition by Pakistan.

Good Luck

Dr. J.P.Pathak

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sell of F-18's
by dharmesh on Mar 28, 2005 08:13 PM  Permalink 

As per US statement that it will allow india to buy
F-18's i.e their best technology which it has never sold to any nations & giving india the first chance.
will they!

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