Thanks Mr. Raman Its a excellent article and eye opener. I reccommend Congress leaders and supporter to read this article... Its Really a crying situation.. India History is full of Trators and foreign counties have taken advantage of that...The History is repeating itself... Pls wake up my dear Indians.. or now Its American time to rule us...
Dear Readers, Mr. Raman did make some sense in this article by detailing the past riots,though he went to riots in east-pak while detailing riots in our country, just to balance things,I presume. Two issues I would like to discuss about are: 1. Can you beleive that any political party in India "really" cares for the sanctity and pride of any religion in particular?Mr. Raman arrives at a conclusion assuming the answer to the above question to be "Yes,Modi's Party do." Which,I beleive is the biggest illusion of all. 2. Secondly, The beleif that the so-called "Secularists" and "Patriots" beleive that no christian and muslim can do wrong, is itself false.The so-called secular Hindus only talk about equal rights and equal opportunities for minorities, which Mr. Raman and likes perceive as "appeasement". It is not actually. It does not mean depriving Hindus of any priviliges, the thought simply intend to treat minorities with respect and provide them equivalent justice which clearly conflicts with the assumption of right wingers that the minorities should be debtful to the majority in order to live and their suppression is "natural" and "normal".
Mr.Raman, Can you please enlighten us by naming the Christian Fundamentalist Organizations involved in blocking the visa to Modi.? We are not idiots to believe what ever BS you write.
he is only fit for jail.he is not fit for going to usa or uk or as CM for any state in india and other country.first time i am happy with america for not giving visa to modi.
I have never heard that there is something called Christian fundamentalist organizations in the US. There is no such organization at all. The author of this article has invented a new reason for why Modi was not given visa, and thus proved his ignorance. Since the author of this article is a Fundamentalist, he thinks everyone else in this world is fundamentalist. Not only the US, any country has right to issue or reject visa to anyone based on some reason or no reason at all. Please dont publish half-baked views of fundamentalist like B.Raman and spoil the name this site. Mr.B.Raman, please don't spread hatred, and please start doing some constructive work.
WOW! what an opening of the article, but it became intretingley pathetic by the end. Why not rediff, spend some more money nad get dome credible writers to write a column. Not only the facts were wrong in the article, also there is no basis of foreign secularists campaining against Modi, leave alone being photographed with musarraf. I can't understand that in 2005, u r actually supporting the idea of religion segregation. Get over it, and provide us with some meaningful articles.
just bcos all cheif ministers and pm's did it , doesnt mean modi's act is right !! modi is wrong !! and he deserves what has happened !! US was two steps better in a way it did'nt let modi join the club of violators and taught him a lesson
Second This incident would be a lesson for forthcoming rulers in any part of the world
Are we so foolish to learn a lesson from a foreign state !!modi made us look foolish and he not only brought himself down rather brought the whole india down
I am sure he wouldnt be let inside any middle eastern or western state
Our political system would not punish people like modi !! looks like we need some people to educate us !! if we were able enough we should have out thrown modi rather not speak on behalf of him !!