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Neat Article
by Srinivas on Mar 24, 2005 04:29 PM  Permalink 

The author has definetely presented a very impartial and correct view.

Very good article.

Pmukh should know the kind of letters and lobbying the "secularists" sitting in America did led to such an action by america...

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Visa denial
by Raman on Mar 24, 2005 10:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think Mr. Raman is trying to influence people to kickstart one more riot throughout India by the visa denial of USA. He should not have criticised any fundamental groups behind it which may create anti groups within India.

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RE:Visa denial
by partha biswas on Apr 07, 2005 07:09 PM  Permalink
I also think that Raman is trying to create a hate situation by mentioning Christians behind the Visa denial.They have to earn their bread I suppose, and how does it matter if he has to blame others for Modis Visa, and VERY CLEVERLY mentions he is no admirer of Modi.

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by B Patel on Mar 24, 2005 08:03 AM  Permalink 

Agreed wholeheartedl.Mr Raman fires his guns in air.Should not post any article until fully completed.If he believes in this =allegedly a conpiracy theory-Why doesnt he throws some lights on 9/11 as more and more people around the world think it was an inside job.

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