Great article! Congress and Communists are determined to keep the Muslims segregated in India so that they can get their votes. They do not want to let the Muslims join the national mainstream fearing it would dilute their vote bank. Their vote bank politics has ruined India. They persistently hound Modi to keep the wounds from healing so that they can get the votes from those hurt and angry Muslims. Yet these anti-Hindu secularists NEVER hound Modi for not protecting the Hindu pilgrims massacred by Muslims in Godra. In the US a lot of fake Indians, led by Muslims and Christians, have lobbied against Modi. In fact, these same people also lobbied in the past against the BJP led NDA government simply because the BJP was NOT willing to divide people along religious lines. These fake Indians have only one goal anything to destroy the Hindus and disintegrate India. For now they have taken the help of US to attack India and in the future they will not hesitate to take the help of Pakistan to attack India. These people should be charged with treason and arrested upon entering India.
I could not have put across my views any better than Mr. Raman! I wish that all those Indians in the US who have worked so hard to lobby against Modi's visit should hang their heads in shame for what they have done to their country of origin and its institutions.
After Iraq, I even changed my party after the actions of the neo cons in USA. Even now I think Bush is a good man. The main reason they denied visa to Modi is as follows.
1.Most Muslims (in fact all Muslims) hate this administration.
2.In order to improve their image as kind hearted democratic fellows, they fund Pakistan heavily.
3. They were always elected by destroying some one elses character, reputation and life for
4. Modi provides a great opportunity to win the Muslim hearts, projecting themselves as honorable just individuals.
If burning of Christians occurred in NY train, no Muslim would have survived in USA even if all the police force of the country comes to stop it. The letter of the Congress man to Secretary of state seeking denial of visa to Modi, shows absolute ignorance of some of the members of this administration, regarding the facts of Gujarat. Where is this out pouring of love for Kashmiri Hindus? Did Modi prevent Missionaries from conversions? What does conversion mean? leave all your beautiful philosophies and literature and resort to brain washing one self with illogical religious slogans? Vijaya Kumar
Thank you Mr. Raman for bringing out the nefarious role being played by our "Hindu Secularists" i.e., Hindu WOGs' (westernised oriental gentlemen)who will bend backwards and overlook all the excesses being committed by the Muslims and Christians and taks pleasure in Hindu religion bashing. "Tolerance" as propounded by the Hindu religious philosophy carries a very different meaning to these Hindu WOGs'- for them it means giving a licence to Muslims and Christians to run riot over Hinduism in this country of 800 Million Hindus. Their attitude is "So what if a few Millions of Hindus are seduced to embrace Christianity or Islam - it is a miniscule portion of the Hindu populace".
Indians have always had a history of joining hands with the outsider to settle internal scores - from Alexander's time to the British, and now this. In a sense it is a very unique trait, cannot think of any other country where the people so easily cooperate with outsiders to put down their country (even if they do not get along internally).
I normally like Raman, this time round he is completely wrong. In the first place he has not done home work on the issue and using history that is internal Indian scenario, is drawing wrong conclusion.
Please read the Coalition Against Genocide with 35 organizations that opposed visa to Modi on very right grounds. People in India and Raman should understand that Indian Americans are more Americans than Indians, having become citizens of the country.
I am agreed with the author if the article. This is nothing but another face or US. I think more 9/11s are required before the US to realize the truth. The so called "Pseudo Secularisam" and "Human Rights" will not stop INDIA being a super power. I think we all should protest agains this and should denie the visas of DONALD RUMSFELD and BUSH.