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by satya on Mar 22, 2005 09:43 AM  Permalink 

Superb article....well done Mr raman..i am proud that india still have left with few people who can be rational.

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Modi's visa denial: Who did it?
by AM on Mar 22, 2005 09:10 AM  Permalink 

Can it be a surprise that the critical mass of unpatriotic Indians has reached proportions for a foreign power to act upon it?

The simple fact is that patriotism demands a legacy around which emotions and sentiments of a nation may be directed.

A legacy worthy of pride, a legacy that inspires, a legacy founded on wisdom and freedom ... and most importantly a legacy that does not rely on complex jargon, and one that can be told and retold and be as easily understood.

Such legacies certainly do exist, and they form the bedrock upon which most nations derive their patriotic identity.

But India most strangely is perhaps the one nation on the face of this earth that has studiously and meticulously sought to erase all traces of its memory by banning such, from all avenues of education by a constitutional edict and no less.

And so the Ramayana and the Mahabharatha, the Bhagavatham, the Puranas and all the heros and the heroines who for centuries inspired and counselled Indians, have now been relegated to oblivion.

Any surpised then that fundamentalistic persuasions of alien origins now subvert us with impunity?

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Neither Hinduism needs Modi nor India needs US for their survival
by Pradip Kumar Mazumder on Mar 22, 2005 09:07 AM  Permalink 

Nobody should be held responsible for this unpleasant episode but Mr. Modi's KARMA. If one cannot protect his PRAJA, then he is not fit rule over as a RAJA, king. After a heinous crime perpetrated over Hindu pilgrimage Mr. Modi failed to come out as a PRAJAPALAK to save the lives, property and human rights over thousands of Muslims. This is not intended to allege his connivance with the THUGS whose diabloical butchering of innocent Muslim people defied all human ethics and Hindu ethics. It is a pity that few people start believing that BJP is the only saviour of one of the oldest surviving religion of the world religion Hinduism. Neither Hinduism needs Modi nor India needs US for their survival.

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One should not speak about things one is not aware of
by Brutus on Mar 22, 2005 08:49 AM  Permalink 

Dear Raman,

Before you speak of anything you should have been aware of the situation in Gujarat before the riots.

- Rajesh

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Yeah yeah yeah!!!!
by Peeush Goyal on Mar 22, 2005 08:36 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I strongly agree with Raman's views. And I feel happy on the thought that US government has denied him visa and did not allow to land here. It would have been a disgrace to humanity and democracy if Modi had landed here in USA.

I don't understand why and how many of the indians supporting Modi's clause are so so so stupid to see what a bad example was set in Gujarat by allowing the police to support the hindu rioters to riot against the muslims. I felt ashamed on being an Indian the first time in my life when I read and saw this.

If any muslim or be it any Indian goes into anti-national activity, seeing the obliviion, the vast empty space ahead in their life, then I for one would not be surprised, but just depressed to see how we as a Nation has encouraged our citizens to go against the Nation.

US for one, did not allow Modi to come here, not because to please Pak or any muslim country, but because these people have enough common sense and they are proud citizens of their country, not fearing the consequences of doing the right thing.

I feel honoured to work with Americans in US here. These guys are fair and just people. We as indians can learn a lot from them.

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Good one
by srinivas on Mar 22, 2005 08:29 AM  Permalink 

Excellent Analysis.....

Keep up the spirit Raman.

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Intersting Article
by Raj on Mar 22, 2005 08:16 AM  Permalink 

This was really interesting article based on facts and coming to a logical conclusion. Its thought provocative. Hats off to Raman for it.

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by anil on Mar 22, 2005 07:38 AM  Permalink 

who is this b.raman? is he an indian? or foreigner?

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