What you said about Indian secularists may be true because there was a CIA report about them some years back which said these secular guys from India wont even mind to sell off their mothers.So it doesnt not at all come as a big surprise to me and rather I am ashamed that Indians will stoop so low so as to get their wants satisfied.I hope the present government denies visa to visiting US dignitaries from now on bcoz of their role in Iraq war and their impeding threats to Iran, statements by State Department is like making mockery of we people, No wonder these Americans are so short sighted in their foreign policies that which ever place they land they make it a mess and go from there.
Just because other big criminals got away with genocide, does not mean Modi should be forgiven. It is not the responsibility of the US to declare all such mass murderers persona non grata. It is shame upon us that such henious crimes go unpunished. Let us clean up our house before blaming Pakistan for Kashmir or US for Iraq.
The article is very good and more so it is substantiated by facts rather than mere accusations/allegations. But I doubt whether the hindus would pay attention.not like other communities who have religion always uppermost in their mind than anything else, hindus have this unique distinction of ignoring all releigious fervours or campaigns.
And as rightly pointed out , so called intellectual hindus are the main cuplrits in wekening hindu voice in the world as well as nation.
When BJP blames COngress for anti-sikh riots after the death of Indira Ghandhi just because he was in power then why not BJP in general and Modi in particular should be blamed for the GUjarat riots?
I myself is a Hindu and doesn't see anything wrong in US visa denial to Modi. In fact I myself wanted to write to Secretart of State Ms. Rice to deny his visa because the then PM of India didn't had the courage to tell Modi that he did wrong. DOn't know if Indian judiciary will every find him guilty that too even when an audio tape revelas how Chief Sec. was dictating the police officer what he should say in front of the commission. So this is (visa denial) a right oppourtunity to tell Modi and BJP in general that whatever happened in Godhra was an act of in-humanity and comparing it with any other riots doesn't make him innocent. He is very much guilty.
Dear Sir Your analysis of the situation was excellant.Hindus in India are the biggest critics of Hindu assertiveness.Sure ,it is not secularistic attitude. Is it inferiority complex?If somebody can analyse the psyche behind this behaviour,he/she may be doing a great service to majority hindus and thereby to India as a whole. S.Ajayakumar
Mr. columnist, whoever you are, if you want to come out as a BJP purist, you dont have to hide behind history. There used to be a german saying during the times of Hitler, "my country good or bad." it seems that you want to harp on that albeit in some diluted manner, and still claim to be secular. It is not a shame to come out as a "Hindu", it is though to be one and support the fundamentalist. And this goes for any religion. Funny, how every religion claim to be secular and preaches love and compassion and yet time and again more people have fallen victims to its "good intentions".
Mr. Bush ordered his armey to kill Iraquis under excuse of weapons of mass destruction, which no one able to prove. Almost 10,00000 (Ten lacs, One million) has been killed by the american army. After 9/11 few sikhs who were killed or attacked in USA what is Mr Bush explanation for that? Is Mr.Bush responsible for that?
It is old policy of America to be selective for Democracy and Secularism.
Majority of USA allies are Non Democratic and Non Secular. In this world stronger has no blame!!