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The Spineless Hindu
by Pronab Sen on Mar 22, 2005 11:17 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies


It is our great misfortune that we have only one Mr Raman or Mr Kanchan Gupta in this Country of billion spineless Hindus.Mr Raman has hit the nail right on top and his analysis for denying Mr Modi a US Visa could'nt be more correct.As long as the Leftists,the Congress Party,the so called secularists,the NGO's are allowed to continue their disinformation campaign,the spineless Hindu masses will be duped and same applies to the Muslims.Vote bank politics have ruined our Country.There is still time for all Indians to think,whether we need such Political parties and NGO's who would do anything to berate the Hindu religion and masses.Why does'nt the ruling coalition of a bunch of opportunists and the NGO's open their mouth against the US for protecting a sadist killer across our Western border,who has caused ethinic cleansing of unprotected, harmless Kashmiri Pundits?If Mr Modi is responsible for Gujarat riots, caused by burning alive Hindu pilgrims in a closed compartment,then the Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf is equally guilty of sending terrorists across the LOC to create mayhem in our Parliament,at Akhshardham and Raghunath temple.
Pronab Sen

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RE:The Spinning Hindu
by Indian on Mar 30, 2005 04:02 AM  Permalink
If Musharraf is guilty, he should be punished. If Modi is guilty, he should be punished. If Musharaf is guilty, that is no reason for Modi to become guilty!!! Spineless or not, this is not a spin Hindus cannot perceive.

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Out come is good.. Though the course action against modi alone is not justified
by Thought on Mar 22, 2005 11:17 AM  Permalink 

Wasnt President Musharraf involved in Kargil aint the US govt aware of it or they need a Human rights commission report in this regard too...

Or is it a tactical reply by US govt against we extending hands to the venezualan govt.. anything to my guesss.

I feel what happened to Modi has happened for good. Though the action is not justified against modi alone but i guess the outcome if favorble for all of us.

I feel such things shld be carried out for all of the
human right violators across all the countries and make the understand that even if they can escape from the laws of their countries.. somebody else from some other country is watching them.

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Debial of Visa to Gujarat CM Modi
by Milton D\'Silva on Mar 22, 2005 11:17 AM  Permalink 

What the author says is correct: the US has no reason to deny visa to Mr Narendra Modi as he is not the only politician to have acted in such a manner, in India or elsewhere. As for who was responsible for the lobbying, that is not the point. It is wrong on the US administration's part to have done so.

Milton D'Silva

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Modi's Visa denial
by Tressa on Mar 22, 2005 11:14 AM  Permalink 


Amongst all the others whom you have considered as having played a role in the visa denial to Modi, could some of Modi's detractors in the BJP itself also have played a part in this ? To say that everyone in the BJP wants Modi to become an all powerful supremo in the BJP is to delude oneself. There are many Gujarat Politico's who would want Modi cut down to size and see him humiliated. All they have to do is use any of the US lobbies to push the matter and bingo ! the job is done.

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Modi's Visa issue
by ravi on Mar 22, 2005 11:09 AM  Permalink 

Is it fair on your part Mr Raman to compare Narendra Modi's case with the examples you have given?With your experience and background ,are you so naive to exonerate his role in Gujarat Riots?Did Nehru,Kamraj play the role played by Modi?


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by B.Rama Chandra Rao on Mar 22, 2005 11:09 AM  Permalink 

Very good article, which makes the every person in India to think about it.


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